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Open Invitation to Shiva Users




I was sorry to hear the news of Stonetrip's liquidation earlier this month. Shiva3D pioneered multi-platform publishing, and I enjoyed killing zombies in "The Hunt". I know that many of you are wondering what to do next. So, let me just get it out on the table that Leadwerks might be an option for your team.


We just released Leadwerks 3, our first cross-platform product for mobile. Leadwerks 3 is completely redesigned to accelerate developer productivity with new advances in tools and workflow. These include native code and Lua support, a new rapid art pipeline, automatic asset reloading, built-in level design tools, plus many others.


I'd like to extend an invitation to any former Shiva users looking for a new home. We're offering a 30% discount on the Leadwerks 3 add-ons for iOS and Android this month to Shiva developers. Enter the coupon code "SHIVA3D" at checkout before June 1, then just email us your invoice from your purchase of Shiva3D, and we'll process your order.


Leadwerks doesn't support all the platforms Shiva did, but we provide "write-once, publish everywhere" deployment to the most important ones: iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac. Shiva developers will feel right at home with our Lua integration, complete with debugger, code stepping, and a built-in script editor. We've even taken Lua a step further, with a built-in flowgraph editor for visually connecting scripted objects. And when you're ready, you also have the option to write games in pure native code with C++, for maximum performance.


Leadwerks 3 is new, but it's built on the lessons learned from our history of delivering high-end graphics on PC since 2006 We provide lots of advanced features, but are able to maintain a competitive price. I welcome you to join other "Werkers" as we move forward. This is going to be a very exciting year for the game industry, and we have some big advances coming down the pipeline.


I realize that it must be a shock to see the predicament that Shiva is going through right now, but for you and your team, it doesn’t have to be the end. I welcome you to join our community and trust that the steps taken above will underscore our commitment to helping out the best we can.







Leadwerks Software

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