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Full Steam Ahead




The standalone version of Leadwerks is no longer being updated. If you have a license for Leadwerks 3.1+ standalone version, you can exchange your registration key for the Steam version. Please contact support and include your Leadwerks registration key.


The Steam edition of Leadwerks can be run online or in offline mode, and can make games that are published to Steam, or published as standalones without requiring Steam. Leadwerks on Steam also includes access to the Leadwerks Workshop via the built-in browser, and receives frequent updates.

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Although I don't think everyone will be happy about it, I do find it admirable how the community has kicked in to fifth gear lately (due to Steam and the wintersales). Personally I find it steam a huge advantage. Not just the update and beta access butmostly the popularity boost. The forum gets filled with lots of new talent.


Looking forward to see what else will come in 2015.

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I really didn't expect that wouldn't use Leadwerks Standalone more that a year.

I didn't bought any game engine's license. I bought a lesson, and that is don't trust companies that make proprietary software ever again. Because I, the user, will be always at the mercy of the developer, it can't be otherwise.


Still a cheap lesson, $1 300 less than Unity 3D.

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