Please review the new documentation
I'm asking the community to look over the new documentation system and find any mistakes before I sign off on the project. The tutorials are not completed. The API Reference should be completed, although the main API Reference page is not showing anything right now.
Here are my notes to the developer who is working on the docs:
Thank you for the update. I have fixed the table of contents page so that clicking on a link in the tree view will navifate to the correct page. This should make it much easier to test.
The following corrections are needed:
A new <subclasses> tag has been added, to show a list of all derived subclasses on a class page:
This is what it looks like for the Entity class page:
The App class can be removed from the TOC. Rewriting the example functions eliminates our use of this.
The Object class page is missing.
In the table of contents, all camera function links after GetClearColor() are wrong.
There is no Emitter::ClearPostEffects() function. Please remove this from the TOC.
I am asking my community to find any other problems. Overall, it's looking great.
Please review the material and make sure everything meets your satisfaction, and leave your comment below if needed. I figure many sets of eyes will be more efficient than just me looking through it. This is your documentation, and I want to make sure it's the best for you. Thanks for your help!
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