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Sculptris tips and character making




Sculptris is free and very powerfull.

I will show a complete character example, and will show main commands and some tips.


The theme is some futurist military cartoon character a little inspired by that :



Ok let's begin : )


Making the torso : Draw on the sphere to make the shape

ALT + Draw = draw holes

**** + Draw = smooth


Draw + Clay option = similar to Zbrush claytubes to draw planar stuff

Draw + Alt + Clay option = draw planar cavity





Next : Flatten + lock plane angle : to create some plane surfaces




We will create the arms as separate objects :

Choose : New Sphere

Than : Add Object




Use move tool and global setting to position new objects



To de select all objects : CTRL + D

To select one object : click on it



Gloabal scaling



Draw the arms rought shapes



Draw + Smooth all around object




Click on Wireframe view : to see wireframe

The more you zoom when painting the more detailled will be the polygons



Poly reduction tool : usefull ot reduce polys where needed

Or when a detailled part is hard to smooth




(Alt + Recude brush = increase detail polygons on surface)



Sculptris wil be more performant hidden object you don't work on



Inflate tool to make some small growing parts , growing uniform




Add new sphere to make the head





Draw , smooth, flatten tools to make some rought shape



Pinch tool : It will make hard edges very good.




1) Crease tool to make good Creases;

2) Than Pinch tool to clean, refine creases

You'll have great results using these tools one after the other.





ALt + Crease tool to make hard edges on any surface



Than pinch tool to make the hard edge very good




Flatten + Lock plane to draw hard surfaces



ALT + Draw + Clay option to draw planar holes quickly



For the head : Add new object and begin to shape it





CTRL + Draw = draw mask : Usefull to sculpt only the surface parts you want


Here it as used to flatten only the parts i needed.




Select second head part and adjust rotation using rotation tool


Hidde other parts to have lot more faster sculpting (3D coat is not Zbrush)



Some detail technique :

Make hole : ALT + Draw + Clay



Pinch tool around hole to make it look hard surface



Draw + Clay option




1) Flatten

2 ) Flatten + Lock plane option



Begin legs :

add new sphere

Flatten tool in distant zoom



Draw the legs in a first rought pass




Smooth + Flatten tool to shapeup the legs



Add new sphere objects for boots



Flatten + smooth to shape them as cylinders



Second pass :

Draw, smooth, flatten tools



Belt making :

Add nother sphere object , resize it, position it



Flatten it all around and top and bottom



Position it on character and flatten it all around

(You can pinch edges also if needed)



Side pockets making :

1) another another sphere object

2) Flatten , smooth it all around to make the shape you want



Scale it , rotate it and position it on character :




Making some torso shield part on surface :

We could add another object , but the goal here is to show some usefull drawing techniques


Draw your shape using mask



Draw volume



Begin to detail with crease tool

Use smooth tool where surface is not regular than re apply crease tool



Draw hard surface edges using :

ALT + Crease tool



Than smooth tool on irregular surfaces to make surface more planer

(Flatten tool if needed also)

+ Pinch on hard edges

+ Pinch on crease parts



Adding objects details :

Same add new sphere and shape it up in distante view using flatten tool



Adjust it's position, scaling , rotation in gloab mode



Copy paste object is possible in sculptrisand usefull sometimes



Before exporting character to obj file for retopo it's better to move some character parts around it in 3D space.

This way you'll retopo more easy and when retopo is done , you have just to move different low poly parts near the character again.



The cartoon military soldier is mainly done with some added details.




You can sculpt lot more details everywhere in Sculptris, the techniques remaining almost the same as what i showed here, or you can import the character on Zbrush or 3D coat Voxels to go lot more further in sculpting details if you target more realistic style.


Personnaly a fast and good workflow to make non detailled characters i use :

- Character sculpt and detail in Sculptris

- Retopo in 3D Coat

- Paint Diff/Normal/Specular maps to add details and textures patterns

Perhaps i'll make retopo and painting blog ?


Last tip :

I highly recommend a tablet for sculting, a mouse will never be as natural or fast.

( Even Wacom Bamboo basic ones are great at very small price)


Ok , thats the end of Blog on that Sculptris tutorial.

I hope you enjoyed it smile.png

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Recommended Comments

Perhaps a few words on why you chose Sculprtis (windows/mac only) over the alternatives ?


I've never used anything except blenders built in sculpting mode - which after the introduction of dynamic topology is pure love, but I'm curious about the alternatives.

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I tested Blender dynamic, but the dynamic "side" also.


1) In Sculptris is lot more intuitve for dynamic detail :

Camera near = very detailled polygons tools

Camera far = very low polygon tools

Lot more faster and intuitive than having to change numbers each time by hand like BLender.


2) Blender seems lot more slower when you begin to work with good amount of details.


3) Sculptris drawing seems more constant nad i feel more control using a pen tablet like some advanced lazy mouse function.


3) Interface and tools are more direct, interface seems more smooth at use, commands to select/ hide objects etc ... are really simple also.


4) Sculptris has GOZ support fo Zbrush direct import ( you can import obj file in BLender also).


As small program Sculptris is fun , easy and a pleasure to use.


But like Blender , Sculptris is very basic as sculpting tool , some few examples from 3D coat :

- Cutting tools

- Sculpting/extruding along a line or splines or shapes

- Clothes surface drawing and extrude

- Palette objects

- Masks

- Layers

- Pens objects

etc ... etc ....


All depends on what i need to do , precise work with advanced controls , i will go 3D Coat or Zbrush, simple characters for some simple game , i will choose the fast and easy way with culptris.


Now everyone has it's preferences, but as you seenon this tutorial, you can do cool stuff using sculptris.

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Why not give Sculptris a go, it is free! :D Also very small download.

I love sculptris myself, easy to use, and together with 3D Coat it is pure awesome.


Excelent tutorial.

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