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Leadwerks is so cozy

I spent a whole week for learning UE4 with cpp, yep, UE4 is a great engine for sure, but I found out that my mind could not understand the way UE4 works easily. It is too complex and made me tired. Then I returned to my Leadwerks project and felt so familiar. Soooo... sweet, everything is simple as it is It felt like I have had a long trip to UE city then return to my hometown. I miss Leadwerks indeed. Last year, I thought I could only use Leadwerks with LUA and never touch its CPP sid



Object's dimension in Blender and Leadwerks

It should be great if you can create a game world which has exact real-life object's dimensions. If you are using Blender to make game props for Leadwerks, these are some simple steps to help you archive the dimension match up. Step 1: In Blender, go to Properties panel > Scene tab > Unit group Choose "Meters" from list. Make sure Length = Metric, Angle = Degree, Unit scale = 1 Step 2: This step is optional but can make you feel better with grid floor



Record Camera/Object Path Movement Script

Visit forum topic here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/15171-record-cameraobject-path-movement-script Features - Record camera path movement by controlling camera itself, what you see is what you get  - Path information can be saved to sperated file for later use - Attach saved path file to any entity to playback recorded path - Camera movement can be adjusted for smooth and better path record - Great for cut scene or object with motion. Demo



Create your own FPS Character Controller in LUA - Part 2

II. Implement advanced actions Previous tutorial guided you to create your own FPS Character Controller with basic actions: Move, Look. This tutorial will help you add some advanced actions like Jump, Run, Crouch, and Lean *Note: Below steps will use code from previous tutorial (CharacterController.lua) 1. Jump / Run / Crouch Firstly, build obtacle with space under it to test crouching, the space height shoud be at least 120cm (leadwerks editor will show you this height



Create your own FPS Character Controller in LUA - Part 1

In Leadwerks FPS game, if you want to do something like Leaning, HeadBobbing, ThirdPersonView, modifing default FPSCharacterController to fit these needs is a painful task. But it is much easier when you make your own Character Controller (CC) then alter it. This tutorial series will guide you to: Create a CC which can: Move, Look around from scratch. Implement advanced actions: Lean, Jump, Run, Crouch I. Create a basic CC Step 1: Understand CC's components



Realistic sniper rifle scope in LUA

This tutorial will help you to make something like this       Step 1: Prepare scope model   In 3D application, import your 3d scope model and adjust its pivot point. Make sure the pivot's position looks like image below. This step is extreme important! The position of pivot point is the position of Scope Camera Render Target   If you use Blender, press Ctrl + A > Location / Scale / Rotation to reposition scope's pivot   Example model file attached at the bottom of this entry  



Gun with ironsight in LUA

(Note: English is not my native language)   If you want to create a weapon that can use ironsight for aiming, this tutorial is for you. (requested by Jen)     Step1: Suitable weapon model   Make sure your weapon's pivot point is laying on weapon's line of sight in 3D application (I use Blender) and weapon's direction is heading to the positive global Y Axis, we will export this weapon as a fbx file into leadwerks to get mdl file.   In blender, after adjusting weapon to its right pos



First blog entry - My game's technical demo CSCĐ:VMP

After 7 months learning Leadwerks Game Engine, I wanna show you guys my very first techdemo of my game     Features:   1. Fully functional GUI created by myself: Menu are global for all maps Adjust ingame graphic and show the result directly, (include night time and night vision goggle test - thanks to shadmar's shader) Graphic settings can be saved to a config file for next time game starts Let you choose game language, language can be saved too (if I want) Scenarios s



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