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Winter Games 2016 - On the road again - Part 3




Instead of spending more time on getting the car to work properly, I added in a simple ball real quick and to be honest: I like the faster gameplay a lot more. What do you guys think? I do miss the ghost cars, so those will definitely come back.


I have updated the game in the launcher. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=821020417


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I kind of hope you get cars working, partly because I'm greedy and would love for your settings to be shared with the community (including me!). Plus it seemed like Josh's post helped you ID the proper values yesterday.


But I'm sure you already put in a lot of time so don't kill yourself over it. A randomly generated marble game would with tracking and high scores would still be pretty sweet. And of course the ghosts.

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Yeah I want the car to work too. It just costs a lot of time trying things out.I might just give the player the option to choose between the 2. Car physics are not quite there yet:

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Well, I think blogs are for you guys and I should stay out. They're like the treehouse in the backyard where you can hang out without the grownups.

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I don't see it that way. I love talking about game design. Especially when you start looking in to the behaviour of the player and reasones why game design is fun/challenging or boring. You are more than welcome to join the discussion

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I'd prefer a car way more that a ball. Even though the ball increases the pace of the game, a car is more suitable for anyone with any skill with video games, as they accellerate a bit slower. Cars are still challenging as well because you will have to manage all of the wheels.


Maybe you can also look into a camera that follows the direction of the car so you don't have to use your mouse anymore (maybe to look at it from the side or so).


I really like the game though, would love to see the end result :D

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