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The art pipeline, Google SketchUp, The FBX converter




After having purchased UU3D and discovering I couldn't do submeshes I decided to do something about it.

I had few choices, either write exporter ( I did write sketchup to b3d exporter a few years back ) or find one.


After a few days of research and not wanting to write my own DAE to GMF converter I found one !


Details here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/3902-fbx-exporter/



fbx converter







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Well thanks for spoiling that discovery for me as I just got UU3D too .. :)


How are sketchup models turning out for you? I know some people here said that sketchup can produce some bad mesh topology, but from my very limited time with it, I didn't see any of it..

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I just use the SKP importer off the UU3D site, then export to GMF. I also have no problems with meshes in Leadwerks. I've used Sketchup with leadwerks for about 3 years now.

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Submeshes refers to having multiple meshes in one model - mesh hierarchy. The old windmill that came with the original 2.3 SDK is an example of this as well as the monstertruck and the viperscout that currently comes with the SDK. It allows you to create a complex model inside your modelling app and then obtain access to the separate meshes via FindChild()... like the blades in the windmill which lets you rotate them separate from the rest of the model or find the tire location of the monstertruck so you can easily attach physics tires.

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UU3D is great for static meshes, and is fast and easy to use, plus the exporter does things automaticaly for you. It still makes sense. This just gives people some advanced options.


Thanks to Macklebee for pointing out the issues that lead me to find the FBX converter.

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I have played with Sketchup, its a real pleasure to use.

But it generates too much unecessary vertex if you more complicated things , it's a real mess if you look carefully.

This tool i think can be great to prototype , fast draw your ideas, but when you'll go for a mesh for gaming , without unecessary vertex and faces, you'll have to use a real 3D modeling program instead.

For people wanting to use Sketchup for finnal meshes for a game , my advice would be to check the polygons and vertex by importing Sketchup models under a modeling programt o clean them up if necessary.

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I have played with Sketchup, its a real pleasure to use.But it generates too much unecessary vertex if you more complicated things , it's a real mess if you look carefully.This tool i think can be great to prototype , fast draw your ideas, but when you'll go for a mesh for gaming , without unecessary vertex and faces, you'll have to use a real 3D modeling program instead.For people wanting to use Sketchup for finnal meshes for a game , my advice would be to check the polygons and vertex by importing Sketchup models under a modeling programt o clean them up if necessary.


Me and a friend are using Sketchup for our game and we haven't had any issues with the meshes in the past 3 years or so. Also Sketchup is still a real 3d modelling app :). I believe you mean more advanced?

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In fact for simple things it can be good.

Yes i talked about advanced, i'll post some example tonigh showing for more complex models what happens , like a cylinder

put on a plane : lot of vertices can be welded.Caus more vertices you have more vertices the 3D engine must process.

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