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My First Demo




Here's a look at what I've been working on. The games I'm interested in making will resemble World of Warcraft, Dark Age of Camelot, and Warhammer Online, so the look and feel will mimic those as much as possible.


I've been working out the programming kinks. Had a 20 minute headache the other day when I suddenly realized that I was mixing up radians and degrees.


The animations look pretty good. I don't know that the video clip does them justice. I will probably revisit them later on as I add audio, but its time to move on. Models and animations are from Dexsoft Games.




Next steps:

  • GUI
  • An actual outdoor world


At least working with the editor gets me away from the coding for a little bit. Also, it should be a lot more interesting to look at than the prototype platform in the video. My son likes for me to fall off it. And he wonders where the bad guys are.


If I miss coding (yeah, I miss coding sometimes) I'll start working on a primitive GUI.


Let me know what you think, if anything. And if anybody is really that interested in looking at the code, message me. Thanks for reading and watching.



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Are you using blending between animations? The transition looks a little rough from animation to animation so I'm thinking you aren't. Would be curious to see how you are switching animations to check that out. Otherwise nice start!

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I am not blending between animations. The blending argument to the Animate() function is constant. I don't ramp it up or down between animations. It actually hadn't really occurred to me until I read your response to my question on the forum yesterday to do that. It's definitely something I will revisit later on. But I consider it more of a polish step and I really want to work on guts.


One gameplay aspect that I like is to give the person behind the keyboard the feeling that the game is not lagging on their commands. That is, when W is pushed, the character is running full speed almost immediately. There is an argument to the UpdateController() function that is max force or something like that. I have it set at like 50 where Josh recommends 1. It really gives the character good response to the keyboard input which is good for gameplay and bad for realism. From that point of view, the rough transitions of the animations don't really bother me. I guess thats what beta tests are for.


The other animation bit I want to work on is to enable my character to swing her sword and run at the same time, which doesn't seem like it should be that hard, just animate the spine and up with animation 1 and pelvis and down with animation 2.

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I agree that I like more responsiveness from moving, but you would eventually still want to use blend. Just increase the blend value faster. Once you put it in it's kind of amazing how subtle yet nice it looks.



About split animation. I have given that a go and when buying premade models I almost always find that they don't really look that good (it can functionally work) because the animator probably didn't have that in mind. The angles of the spine and legs generally don't look natural. I think to have split animation look really good the animators have to have that in mind when making the animation.


Keep up the good work!

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