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LE3 Tutorials

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Third Person Camera Code Walk-through

An in-depth look at a basic Third person camera.   Script.target = nil--Entity "Target" Script.distance = 5--float Script.debugphysics = false--bool Script.debugnavigation = false--bool Script.pitch = 35--float Script.angle = 180--float Script.pickradius = 0.5--float Script.verticaloffset = 1.8--float Script.smoothness = 30--int   function Script:Start() if self.target==nil then return end   --debug functions for viewing physics or navigation in game self.entity:SetDebugPhys

Chris Vossen

Chris Vossen

Setting up a map with 3rd person controls and camera

A tutorial for creating map with a goblin that has third person controls and a third person camera   1. Create a new project.   Inside the LE3 editor open up the leadwerks project manager click File->Project Manager     Once open click "new" select "Lua" project, add a title, and click "Ok".   Select your newly created project and click "Ok"   2. Create a platform for the goblin to stand on.   In a 2d viewport drag-out a box to be used as a platform.     3. Add a material

Chris Vossen

Chris Vossen

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