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A LE3 Project, in Iterations

Entries in this blog

For Realz

Hopefully this will be the most pointless blog I ever post for Alien Saga. BUT, fyi, I have a weird work schedule where I work like crazy for about 9 days where I'm on the road a lot and so on even when I'm sick like with last week and this week, and then I hopefully get 5 days off round abouts.   tl;dr There are updates to be made within the next 5 days or so.



A Protagonist in Iterations

I don't think it's fair for me to put Josh's every move with LE3 under scrutiny without exposing my own work to criticism. So here I will be posting my progress on my opening exercise with Leadwerks 3. I will be working on improving in all walks of game development and also responding to the soon to be created video tutorials.   I plan to work on my first LE3 project for the next 4-6 months in iterations. Which means that I will do a rough once over version that will admittedly look and play l



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