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Happenings in the lab of Xtreampb

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Time to Linux

So in anticipation of Leadwerks 3.1 standard on linux, I just installed linux an i'm installing wine to run my desktop SVN viewer Source Tree which links back to BitBucket . I've got to get famirliar with this interface. I've used it once before but couldn't get used to the interface. If anyone has any tips or tricks for modifying the interface or has any reccomendations of sub kernals to use and how to configure/install them I would be very greatfull.   Last time i treid linux i only saw



Firing up game design

Hello everyone,   So with my business software released, i'm moving back into game design. I'm putting my castle game to the side for, what I feel, a easier game to execute. With the majority of mechanics planned out, I'll begin to design the first few levels. I think i'm also going to video record a developer diary to keep people informed on the status of the development of the game. I am looking for some artists, especially 3D modeling with animation skills as well as texturing artists.



Shift to business software

A few weeks ago i discussed my business software to a friend of mine. This friend owns an insurance business and expressed to me that my business software as a good potential, it just has to be put in front of the right people. With him insuring businesses, we agreed that he is in a better position to put the software in front of people who would benefit from it. Because of this, I have decided to make that my current priority when it comes to time set aside for software developing. This wil



Status Update

Hello all, it has been a little bit since my last post about continuing to use Leadwerks 3. I have gotten some good positive feedback from the staff at LE3 in regards to them confirming the bugs and doing what they can to fix it.   The colliding of hidden models isn't an issue with LE3 but with the physics engine that LE3 uses. The staff at LE3 is getting in contact to resolve that issue. I have a work around so this isn't stopping me.   The staff had some issues verifying the rolling of



Engine Change...Again

So i just got confirmation that my bug is currently being worked on and should be fixed with the next bug fix release. I think this came about due to my post talking about a few of the physics bugs. I also fixed one of my bugs that was causing a lot of issues. I was using a double variable to store the amount of damage being dealt. When i converted that to an int variable, all of a sudden all those minor collisions were no longer affecting the amount of damage being dealt to each other. wit



Overview and Feature List

Below is a primitive list of features that kings will have. Please leave comments asking questions on how they may work or any features that you would like to see added or removed.   The objective of Kings is simple. To build your own castle, and to destroy your opponents before he/she destroys yours. You challenge friends which will cost IGM (In Game Money) which is specified by you. It works like a bet. You bet your friend x amount of money that you can beat them. If you opponent agree



Code name Kings

So most people have seen my game WIP "castle defense", which i'm giving code name "Kings", in the asset store. This was created with LE 2.2 as my machine at the time could't handle LE 2.5. This was to get my mind started on game programming before LE3 was released. I was ecstatic when LE3 was released as this meant i could write with one code base for windows and mac. I couldn't care less about mobile platform support. Even before there was a mention of Linux support i predicted that one of



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