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Evayr's Blog

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Experiences with game development

Entries in this blog

EvayrNet: Debugging functionality

Hi! It has been a while. Here's an update on my networking library EvayrNet which is available for C++ users of Leadwerks:   While implementing it into the test project in Leadwerks, I saw that the use case had some flaws which made it really hard to debug what's going on. I figured that I should be spending some time on fixing some flaws. After a few weeks I came up with the following upgrades: Debugging class Simulation mode More debugging information available Here's some deta



Leadwerks and EvayrNet: Initial integration

Intro An interesting new project of mine. I've always wanted to become a network programmer and made many multiplayer games (like Ravage Online and SIEGE) because it really excites me to see it all work. For those games I used existing networking libraries like RakNet and ENet. Although, I found it was time to make my own for once. Not to make a new wheel, but to see how it rolls. This will make the finding of an internship easier as well.   For every project you will need an end goal. I want



Polishing games

Game polishing is one of the most important factors to grab someone's attention. It also makes the gameplay feel smoother and generally makes the game look more done. But how do we do it? Here are 5 ways to add polishing into your game: Lerping Lerping is a term to make transitions smoother. This is commonly used in animations, where you linearly interpolate one frame into another. Animations and transitions will stop looking 'choppy' and will actually blend into the smooth gameplay.  



Goals, motivators and progression

Felt like writing another blog... So here we go!     Goals, motivators and progression are crucial in order to keep your player playing for a decent amount of time. Goals are usually represented with objectives or progression, engaging the player into the game and let them have a reason to keep playing.   Like I talked about in the previous blog post, progression matters a lot when it comes to engagement. It gives the player a sense of achievement which keeps the player motivated to



Developing games

Haven't written a blog before, but things have always come into my mind about certain subjects.. Figured I should finally start writing a blog.   This blog is mainly about my personal experience and advice on making games in general. Even though I've made some games like Ravage Online (RO) and the potential Grievous Grounds (GG); the games aren't really done and I'll be elaborating how this has happened.   Scope       The scope of both of these games are pretty big. For Grievous Ground



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