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Ludum Dare 37 (and Ludum Jam)

Ludum Dare 37 starts in 12 hours (as I type this)   http://ludumdare.com/compo/ https://ldjam.com/   Most of you probably know (I think), but Ludum Dare is a game dev competition where you have to complete a game in 48 hours from scratch (no externals assets I think).   The JAM portion of the event is a bit more relaxed and gives you 72 hours (if my memory serves me right - I really should check the rules) You can use external assets (I think - again I should have checked the rules befor



Blender Cloud 50% Off Cyber Monday Only

Blender Cloud 50% Off Cyber Monday Only   https://cloud.blender.org/blog/   For about 15 euros (think it was about 12UK pounds) you get 3 months access to Blender Cloud.   This gives you access to some decent Blender training videos and some rigged blender characters but also quite a large selection of good quality textures which from what I could gather are CC-0 licensed (no credit even required). I could be wrong on that but whenever they mention textures they seem to say CC-0 along wit



Leadwerks Winter Game Competition Entry - U-Rev

Well I seem to have left it till the last minute again and found only a single day to get this game done.   Turned out to be more of a prototype than a full game. Modification of the Leadwerks marble game sample.   http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/games/_/u-rev-r103   Single level. Collect the 10 energy spheres in the shortest time.   Needs more work, but out of time.



Crazy Auto Present Dash - Images

Haven't yet worked out how to modify my listing for my game so here are a few images so you can see what it looks like.... I'm thinking it probably looks better when it is moving....   EDIT: I worked out how to get edit my game listing..yipeeee!          



Leadwerks Winter Game Competition Entry - Crazy Auto Present Dash

A few days ago (last minute as usual) I thought I'd try and do an entry for the Leadwerks Winter Game Competition Entry. I hadn't created ANY games up to that point having just bought the software so didn't initially think I'd get anything playable done but I had a few ideas and the result is....   'Crazy Auto Present Dash' !!!!   Yeah. I'm not too pleased with the name but it'll do.   I'm still trying to get it uploaded to the site while I write this.   A number of issues to resolve s



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