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Part 3: extending not only .Net

Hi Folks,   another small progress update I would like to share with you.   While working on extending the exported functionality of the dll i have discussed with some people here in the forum and I came to the conclusion that just extending the dll and program advanced parts in .Net is not really the best for the community. While some extensions will work only for .Net at first (eg Awesomium, full XBOX360 Controller support) most extension will be programmed fully in Blitzmax and exposed th



extending Leadwerk.Net Part 2

Hi,   this is just a short blog to keep you informed. I have promised to upload a first version last weekend, but unfortunatly I wasn't able to do so. I'm currently working on a solution to provide the extended functionality to both .Net Wrappers (LE.Net and Leadwerks.Net) which is more difficult than i thought.   I have already extended the engine.dll with some new functions which already work in both .Net Wrappers and i will hopefully be ready with a small package next week. So no worr



extending LE.NET ...

Hi folks,   here is a new relatively short entry to my blog introducing my current side project (which will be the base of my bigger secret project) which I will make public to the community.   I'm calling this project "Leadwerks.Extensions". In detail it is a project which will extend the current LE.Net headers with a set of setalite assemblies which will contain and provide some additional functions to the .Net community. My goal is to release a first set of dlls this weekend containing a



cubemaps? realtime? Here we go!

Hi folks,   while working on my other projects I have started to research why the cubemapping doesn't seem to work in Leadwerks in Realtime. I have debugged through the code ( I was using Blitzmax to have access to the full debug output and fields of textures and buffers) and found out that it seems you can't create a real Leadwerks buffer for Cubemaps, I have also investigated TylerH' s early approach after the CreateCubemap command was added and from my experience with miniB3D extended I



Back in Leadwerks .Net Development

Hi guys,   finally I have some more freetime back and have restarted developing with Leadwerks more intensively in C#. Currently I'm working on multiple extensions for the .NET Wrapper of Leadwerks and I'm also finishing / continuing developing my tools. Later I hope this will all fit in one easy to use framework.   First here is a screen of new nightsky texture used in my lua daynight script (not completely correct scaled) :     the texture was made by taking screenshots from the stel



Some small progress...

Hi guys,   I have made some small progress on my gui system the last few days. Nothing fancy, but believe me there where a lot of changes under the hood and now I can show you a first skinned screenshot:     As you see the base skinning part is done. Well it will develope further with later gadgets, but the base part is done. You can have multiple skins running in one application, so you can have your main gui in your own game style and another like an ingame pc with a WinXP skin.   On



Gui rendermanagement nearly finished

Ok, as said in my last post i will make an advanced 2d system and a gui. I have now decided to start with the gui and add 2d Functions on demand.   Here is a first screen, nothing special, but it shows some progress:     Note the correct rendering of the window at the cube. I'm using one of my first 2D additions, SetScale , to mirror the rendering correctly for the texture.   What does the renderer currently do: Every control is itself contained in a buffer which is only updated if it



Finally back to Leadwerks programming

After a forced break from programming with Leadwerks Engine, due to Work and other not 3D related Projects, I have started yesterday to come back to my Leadwerks project.   As I'm continuing my project, I'm developing some extension for my own needs and if they are needed and good enough i will publish standalone addons here.   The first project will be somekind of Leadwerks2D. It will offer a richer 2D function set than the current one. eg: Rotation, scaling, origin handling and new primit



Animation Prototype

Well, long time has passed since i have written a new entry.   While I'm still working on the asset manager and Texture Converter (non threading version) I have prototyped a small animation class in Blitzmax which can handle multiple animations at once for a single mesh. eg: you can walk and use your sword in the same time.   Everything is handled automatically you just give a root animation a speed factor and a blend factor. Later you can simply add an 'extra'- animation to the mesh by u



Revisiting my code

Hi there,   While spending some days in hospital without internet connection I have used the time (not much) to revisit my existing code for my tools and I have found some things i will no get on:   First the Batch converter:   I have started to reprogram it, not everything but the whole internal structure will change a lot. I have found a lot of design errors which are too heavy to fix and reprogramming it with using some old components seems faster and cleaner to me. I believe that



Why can't a day have more hours?

Just a small update and an information why everything is progressing so slowly with my tools.   Unfortunatly (well, not really) I'm currently full of work with my daytime job (project deadlines, new features, etc.) that I'm currently don't have much time to do some private programming. This weekend I have some freetime i will spend to fix some bugs with the batch texture converter and coninue with my work on the asset builder.   Hopefully I'm able to post some progress soon.



How to handle 3rd party assets?

After uploading my first lua snippet i'm continuing my task to develope useful tools for Leadwerks Engine.   What tools you may ask?   The first, a batch texture converter is ready since a long time, but needs some tweaking here and there. A beta was previously published but i want to get this tool out of the beta and will release a finished version the next days.   The next one is to finish my milkshape exporter (animations still doesn't work) but the rest is faster and less buggy.



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