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About this blog

Hello I am Markus, an indie game developer and I would like to share my knowledge and skill to create great games with you! In this Blog I will post all important information you need to stay up to date. I would like to introduce myself as a developer and there for created „Bladequest – The First Chapter“ as a welcome gift for you :). That I can achieve a game you like to play, I need your help! Let me know what your likings are. To do so just participate in this survey!

Entries in this blog

A value for everyone?

Hi Leadwerkers ⚙️, today I have a cool announcement to make. In the past two years I was working on the Phodex Framework, which is a set of helpful tools, utilities and systems, created to unleash Leadwerk's true power and potential, to be able to create the games I had in mind. Now, that I have released my first Leadwerks game Bladequest: The First Chapter and the Phodex Framework has proven its worth in practice, I thought it is time to share some parts of the framework, especially those

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Steam Release & Bladequest: Chapter Two!

Hi guys! Bladequest – The First Chapter now finally is on Steam! I am very excited to see how it is going! Check it out if you want! I think it’s pretty cool to have my game on Steam :). Recently I did some redesign and restructuring, affecting my logo, the newsletter and the website. I actually shut the website down and now use another service, which is easier for me to setup and maintain, so I have more capacity to develop Chapter Two! Preproduction and conception for “Chapter T

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Bladequest – The First Chapter Conclusion

Hi guys, First of all check out the newest episode of DevTalk, showing some progress of the development of Bladequest: Chapter Two! Bladequest – The First Chapter is available since about one and a half month now and so far and has totally exceeded my expectations with about 2000 downloads in total. It was a very interesting project for me, and I got a lot of positive feedback and you definitely want to see more from Bladequest. I think the foundation is there, to create a really cool

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Introducing new and awesome features!

Check out my latest DevTalk video. I am showing some awesome new features coming to Bladquest – Chapter Two! I really took your feedback serious to develop some cool stuff. So check it out! Give Feeback for Bladequest! My Youtube Channel! Your Games Wishlist so I can craft a game to your needs!

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

This is what YOUR feedback reveals!

Hi guys! Just wanted to share the first video of the DevTalk series with you, where I keep you up to date about the development, upcoming features etc. It also is a very cool way to communicate with you, so make sure to subscribe and comment to tell me your ideas. I am working very, very hard and there is a lot of awesome stuff coming soon, so stay tuned! Markus from Phodex Games! Give Feeback for Bladequest! My Youtube Channel! Your Games Wishlist so I can craft a game t

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Celebrating the success of Bladequest!

I decided to do a small party, eating some delicious food, celebrating the success of Bladequest - The First Chapter. It had over 450 downloads over within only 7 days and counting, I had the first few sales and Josh is supporting me bringing the game on steam. This is really awesome, thank you soo much, you make it possible for me to live my dream and make me feel the fire deep in my hearth, which gives me the power and motivation to bring my upcoming games on a new exciting quality level

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Awesome Redesign & Update & Steam!

Doesn’t the new design of Bladequest look awesome? To celebrate it I just released Bladequest - TFC 1.4.0, including the new design and a voice over for the intro and outro screen, spoken by myself, introducing the project. I think this adds a more personal touch to the game. What do you think about it? The game is now also available on gamejolt, running very good there! Bladequest was downloaded over 100 times within 3 days, thats awesome! To celebrate that I started a sale for the GOLD Ed

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Bladequest - Is it the best FREE Leadwerks Game?

Hi Guys, It has been very silent around Phodex Framework and my projects, but thats because I really focused on game development and nothing else. Posting stuff and creating content costs time and I was also very busy with studying. However as promised in my last entry I was working on an actual game. I tried to create a small, but quality experience including decent design, nice graphics and, at least for a one man indie game, complex game mechanics such as first person melee and range com

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Introducing the Phodex Framework

Welcome dear reader to my first Blog entry. In the following you will get a first impression of what I am working on. So lets not lose any more time and get started! What is the Phodex Framework? The Phodex Framework is created with the intention to provide common systems and mechanics to be able to create cool first person and especially role playing games within the Leadwerks Game Engine. "Leadwerks Game Engine is the easiest way to make 3D games." and "It's everything you need

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

First Footage & Important News

Hi guys, this time I have something special for you. A video containing some real "ingame" footage, so you can finally see how the things, I am writing and talking about, actually look like. This is also the last blog entry for this devblog (I may just rename it/reuse it for the next project, because it will build upon the PHFW). Find out more by watching the video. Enjoy it and of course tell me your thoughts! For those of you, now wondering, if the Framework will ever be av

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Phodex Framework Publishing

Hi its me again , as promised last time, I will talk about publishing and what my plans are with the Phodex Framework. Next time I continue posting the progress of the Framework. So I made myself some toughts about that topic. I am working very hard on this project and I think it has some very good attempts and intuitive systems, but still is pretty far away from meeting my expectations. When I started making the Framework, my intention was to create all the systems, as userfriendly, c

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Item Creator & City Impressions

Hey  its me again, as you can see I was working hard . As I want to spend as much time as possible on the project, lets quickly go through whats new. This is the first version of the PHFW (Phodex Framework) Toolkit now including the "Item Creator", besides the recently presented Animation Manager. I guess the picture is pretty self explaining . The Item Creator generates a file out of the settings you made which then can be loaded into the "Item Script" inside Leadwerks. The

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

First External Tool & Modular NPC

Hello dear reader, First of all, as I recently though on how to make the blog more interesting and valuable for you to read, I thought it would be a cool idea if I provide a gamedev specifc tip (can be everything from productivity, to technical stuff, to marketing) at the end of every blog entry. I would be really happy, if you tell me what you think of this idea.  Back to topic. I want to present what I am working at the moment. Last time it were some animations and rigs. I had some m

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Framework Overview

Hi, this time I provide a closer look into the Framework. The graphic below shows what the Framework contains of and how far the diffrent elements are developed. The green bubbles inside the red ones indicate how much progress has been made for the specific feature. More green means more progress. Empty (complete red) bubbles mean this feature hasn't been worked on yet. For the best result (as its a pretty huge image) click the image to load it in full size and use the zoom tool to take a c

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Bow/Crossbow Rig & Animations

Hi Leadwerkers , this time just a short entry showing some of the stuff I recently made. I think it looks pretty cool and wanted to share it with you. Some cool bow & crossbow rigs: Some examples of the new combat animations (WIP): Soon to be seen ingame and in action. Stay tuned and have a nice day  . Markus from Phodex.

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Future Plans

Introduction Hi, last time I gave you a rough idea of what the Phodex Framework is and what plans I have. This time I will talk about what I am working on at the moment and what my plans for future are. So this is kind of the first real blog entry :). What I am working on? Recently, beside some bugfixing and improving stuff, I tweaked all imported models (collapsing, normal calculation), set up the materials so that they fit the look I want etc. I also reorganzied my folderst

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Phodex Games

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