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A blog series on the development of a Medieval Fantasy Game.

Entries in this blog

The Seventh World - Part 1

After months of work on various base classes I have finally started to re-build my game in Ultra.  There is still a lot of work to do to these classes (voxel terrain especially) but my aim is to keep the ball rolling by getting them to a workable state so I can build a playable game and then work on fine tuning later.  Plus, I find it more fun to fine tune classes when there is a working game at your finger tips rather than just a bland test project. I started off with voxel terrain.  Basic


SpiderPig in The Seventh World

Implementing the Basics

The Seventh World   Lately I have been hard at work implementing all the basic classes in Leadwerks 5.  My aim is to get the game playable by the end of the year.  Once I've achieved that I'll slowly hack away at bugs and visual quality before release.  These are what are planned for the first release; Menus Main Pause Gravity Multiple Sources Edge of the World Foliage Pine Tree


SpiderPig in The Seventh World

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