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A blog series on the development of a Medieval Fantasy Game.

Entries in this blog

Voxel Terrain Part 3 - Dynamic Components

Took some time to figure out the best approach to do this but I've got it now. To start with I created components that are all the same size.  I am using 16x16x16 components.  The voxel terrain is 128^3 so dividing that evenly is 8^3 components.  In this image there is 512 of them.  The red are inactive and the green are active (they have a model the represents the surface).  This posed a problem for very large terrains.  I would need a component size small enough so that LOD and real-time


SpiderPig in Voxel Terrain

Voxel Terrain Part 2 - Voxelization Methods

Instead of settling for one way only to voxelize a terrain I decide to make it possible to select between a few of them depending on what was required.  They're are basically just two methods, forward or backward. enum VoxelMethod { VOXEL_METHOD_FORWARD, VOXEL_METHOD_FORWARD_CONTOUR, VOXEL_METHOD_BACKWARD, VOXEL_METHOD_BACKWARD_CONTOUR }; Forward starts with a parent node and checks each corner against some function that says if the corner is above or below some user defined surface. 


SpiderPig in Voxel Terrain

Voxel Terrain Part 1 - Voxelization

For the past few months I've been working on Voxel Terrain for Ultra.  I started by creating an octree whose parent node encapsulates the bounds for the entire terrain and must be a perfect cube with dimensions that are a power of two.  This ensures all child nodes can be neatly subdivided.  If a more rectangular terrain is required the octree creates more than one parent node to make up the rectangle. The next step was to subdivide the parent node to a level where each node would represent


SpiderPig in Voxel Terrain

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