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The Blog of Yue

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Exploring New Horizons: My Journey with Ultra Engine and Realistic Map Development

In the thrilling world of game development, I've had the incredible opportunity to work with Ultra Engine, a platform in early access that has opened up countless possibilities for creating impressive worlds. My latest project focuses on mapping, a process that has allowed me not only to explore the capabilities of Ultra Engine's map editor but also to actively contribute to its development by identifying and reporting bugs. From the start, I have created numerous prototypes, experimenting


Yue in Astrocuco DevLog

My game in development | Astrocuco

We are already in 2022, and we continue to do things in order to learn, to understand how to design a video game. To date, Astrocuco is the result of many intermittent years of learning where the challenge is always the same, to create prototypes of how programming works. What I have learned, I have managed to master to an acceptable degree the subject of programming, understand concepts of classes, objects and most importantly apply them when writing code, in this case Lua Script. Thi


Yue in Astrocuco DevLog

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