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About this blog

This is my first blog and I will make a First Player Minigame to have all the stuff I need for a bigger game.

I hope I can use most of them with Leadwerks5 later, but it's allways a good training.


Since 3 years I have not programmed anything with Leadwerks, that has nothing to do with Leadwerks it was a real life thing.

So I must learn the stuff from the beginning. My natural language is not English, I hope you can forgive me a mistake or two .

If you want test the code you make a new project and a map. I made some test objects to see if climbing fails or not and under which steps I can crouch

and on which step I can jump.


I make this blog for me to save the source code. Two times in my life I lost nearly all my source I programmed by HardDrive crashes.

So it is a nice thing to have that online. And for beginnes to have a start code.

In your project folder, by me in "documents/Leadwerks/Projects/.... <-- here are my Projects"

you have a subfolder also named projects:


by me in the folder windows is the VisualStudio 17 project: "ProjectName.sln"  << Start this with Doubleclick, but first install VisualStudio.


I delete all the stuff inside main.cpp, App.cpp and app.h

and put the following code in main.cpp

change your mapname  > "YouMapName.map" from your project and compile. I can not say whats the menu names in english because I have the german GUI.

For VisualStudio tutorials look in the Web or YouTube, I am sure there are dozens of them.


#include "Leadwerks.h"
#include <string> 

using namespace Leadwerks;

int screenwidth = GetSystemMetrics(0);
int screenheight = GetSystemMetrics(1);

Window* window;
Context* context;
World* world;
Model* thePlayer;
Camera* theCam;

// declare functions that we need, they are used once so I made them inline for faster code.
inline void Start();
inline void loop();
inline void DrawInfo();

//crouch, crawl, jog, run

// used for mouse handling
Vec3 mausdata = Vec3(0, 0, 0);
float mausx = 0.0;
float mausy = 0.0;

// used for player movement
Vec3 mdat = Vec3(0, 0, 0);
Vec3 ppos = Vec3(0, 0, 0);
Vec3 velo = Vec3(0, 0, 0);
float walk = 0.0;
float strafe = 0.0;
float jump = 0.0;
float crouch = 0.0;
float strafespeed = 2.0;
float movespeed = 2.4;
float jumpspeed = 5.0;
bool cdown = 0;
bool sdown = 0;

// used for mainloop
bool mainloop = true;

// mainfunction
int main(int argc,const char *argv[])
// hold the mainfuntion small and insert what we need with an inline function.


// mainloop
	while (mainloop) 
		loop(); // Here is the most mailoop stuff

		if (window->Closed() || window->KeyDown(Key::Escape)) mainloop = false; //Quit if ESC is pressed

		// For holding the mainloop small put all drawing stuff inside an inline function.
	return 0;

// Inline functions we use only once.
inline void DrawInfo()
	// For the first, all the drawing stuff in this funtion.
	context->SetColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	context->DrawText("Camera Rotation: " + theCam->GetRotation().ToString(), 2, 2);
	context->DrawText("Player Position: " + thePlayer->GetPosition().ToString(), 2, 40);
	context->DrawText("Player Position: " + std::to_string(ppos[0]), 2, 70);
	context->DrawText("Player Position: " + std::to_string(ppos[1]), 2, 100);
	context->DrawText("Player Position: " + std::to_string(ppos[2]), 2, 130);
	context->DrawText("UPS: " + String(Time::UPS()), 2, 160);
	context->DrawText("Velocity: " + thePlayer->GetVelocity().ToString(), 2, 190);

	// a way to check if the player is not on ground, for possibly later use.
	if (thePlayer->GetAirborne())
		context->DrawText("In the air", 2, 220);


inline void Start()
	// Window
	//window = Window::Create("",0,0, 2560, 1440,  Window::Fullscreen);
	//window = Window::Create("", 0, 0, screenwidth, screenheight, Window::Fullscreen);
	window = Window::Create("", 0, 0, screenwidth, screenheight);
	context = Context::Create(window);
	// The world
	world = World::Create();
	// The player that we need for "First Player Sight"
	thePlayer = Model::Create();
	thePlayer->SetPosition(0, 5, 0);
	// Put the camera as a child to the player, so we can move and look up and down separately
	theCam = Camera::Create(thePlayer);
	// Font we use for drawing operations
	Font* font = Font::Load("Fonts/Arial.ttf", 12);
	// Map
	Map::Load("Maps/BetonMap.map");  // <<<<----- put here your mapname .............................................


inline void loop()
	ppos = thePlayer->GetPosition();
	mausdata = window->GetMousePosition();
	mausx += (mausdata[0] - window->GetWidth() / 2) * 0.1;
	mausy += (mausdata[1] - window->GetHeight() / 2) * 0.1;
	window->SetMousePosition(window->GetWidth() / 2, window->GetHeight() / 2);

	// not Shift: walk
	if (!window->KeyDown(Key::Shift) && sdown == 1)
		sdown = 0;
		movespeed = 2.4;

	//Shift: run
	if (window->KeyDown(Key::Shift) && sdown == 0)
		sdown = 1;
		movespeed = 5.0;

	// not CTRL: stay
	if (!window->KeyDown(Key::ControlKey) && cdown == 1)
		cdown = 0;
		movespeed = 3.0;
		ppos = thePlayer->GetPosition();
		theCam->SetPosition(0,1.65, 0);
		crouch = 0;


	// CTRL: crouch
	if (window->KeyDown(Key::ControlKey) && cdown == 0)
		cdown = 1;
		movespeed = 1.0;
		crouch = 1;
		ppos = thePlayer->GetPosition();

	// Walk with movespeed when press Key W
	walk = (window->KeyDown(Key::W) - window->KeyDown(Key::S)) * movespeed;

	strafe = (window->KeyDown(Key::D) - window->KeyDown(Key::A)) * strafespeed;

	// check if player is on ground, this means velo[1] = "y direction" has no velocity = 0
	// in this way the player kann not jump if he is already in the air.
	velo = thePlayer->GetVelocity();
	if (velo[1] == 0.0)
		jump = window->KeyHit(Key::Space) * jumpspeed;
		jump = window->KeyHit(Key::Space) * 0.0;

	if (mausy > 50.0) mausy = 50.0;
	if (mausy < -90.0 ) mausy = -90.0;
	thePlayer->SetInput(mausx, walk, strafe, jump, crouch);
	//void SetInput(float angle, float move, float strafe = 0, float jump = 0, const bool crouch = false, const float maxaccel = 1, const float maxdecel = 0.5, const bool detailed = false, const float maxrotationspeed = 5.0)
	theCam->SetRotation(mausy, 0, 0);
	mdat = theCam->GetRotation();


The next step I will made is to put the code into a class.

Use the C Key for toggle crouching and use the CTRL for faster runnig, the I have walk with Key W, jogging with Shift+W and running with CTRL and W.


Entries in this blog

First step C++ First Player game start

Since 3 years I have not programmed anything with Leadwerks, that has nothing to do with Leadwerks it was a real life thing. So I must learn the stuff from the beginning. My natural language is not English, I hope you can forgive me a mistake or two . If you want test the code you make a new project and a map. I made some test objects to see if climbing fails or not and under which steps I can crouch and on which step I can jump. I make this blog for me to save the sour



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