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About this blog

Welcome to my blog! Here, I share useful scripts and components for the Ultra Engine that I've created. I started this blog with the hope that these files will assist others in future projects. Feel free to use the source files in any free or commercial project. A shoutout in the credits would be appreciated but is not mandatory. Happy coding!

Entries in this blog

UI Window Manager

I had already created a similar window handler for Leadwerks in a previous project. As I'm currently importing my project into the new engine, I thought it was time to refine this functionality. But what exactly can the Window Handler do? As the name suggests, it manages multiple "UI Windows" so that only one is displayed at a time. This is particularly useful when working with different windows for the UI, such as one for inventory, another for a crafting menu, and yet another for dialog


Andy90 in C++ Classes

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