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About this blog

Tutorials for Ultra Engine.

C++ Repository with final version of examples: https://github.com/Dreikblack/CppTutorialProject 

Be ready for Java code style in C++ code. Also take in consideration that English is not my native language.

Lua Repository with final version of examples: https://github.com/Dreikblack/LuaTutorialProject/

Entries in this blog

Lua Beginner's Guide - first map, Main Menu, Loading Screen and GUI

Prerequisites https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/luasetup?lang=lua Also Lua extension is quite useful for VS Code, if you don't mind Tencent. Map Create a simple map call start.ultra with a brush as floor and a Empty aka pivot with FPSPlayer component How to do it:   Now you can press "F5" in the editor, or select "Game" then "run" to run your game to just made map: You can add skybox in Edit > World Settings (at top buttons in the Edit


Dreikblack in Lua

Lua Ultra Beginner's Guide #2 - making and using components

In this tutorial we will make a newcomponent, which will be moving an entity to way points and movement start will be activated by trigger zone Let's start with making WayPoint component: In the Ultra Editor click plus button in Project tab: Now open Visual Studio Code.   Open WayPoint.json "properties" is a list of component's fields avaible for edit in the Editor "name" - actual name of property that will be used in code later "label"


Dreikblack in Lua

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