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An in game console - Part 2

Some new possibilities I have spend another evening on my in game console and it is shaping up nicely.     To-do or not to do I am happy with how the console works right now. There are enough things that I could implement to make it even more usable but I don't need those (right now) for my project. Possible to do's Intellisense. Saving command log to a file. Adjusting color, settings and size of console via commands.



An in-game console

After creating my Component based engine structure for my main project, I have now moved on to the next stage of development: an in-game console.   Possibilities To sum up what you can do with it, here is a little video demonstration.     On the To-Do list Although the core of the console is finished and working the way I want it to work, there are some slight improvements. Grapics are simple boxes at this point. I want to go for Valve's in-game console look , which looks simple b



Component Based Engine design

Besides making tutorials I am also working on my own project. It is my biggest one yet, but I think I have enough knowledge to get at least really far. Right now I am building my own engine on top of Leadwerks 3. The entire project is written mainly in C++.   Component Based engine design. Since Leadwerks is very flexible you can do a lot of different things with it. The Lua scripts in the editor are a good example of component based design. However if you switch to C++ you don't have this d



3 weeks of Leadwerks 3

In follow up to Andy, I also want to do a little blog on my experience with Leadwerks 3 so far. The first week after purchasing I didn't have much time to spend on it. Luckily after that week, there was quite some time left for the start of a new adventure.       Lua In contrary to Leadwerks 2.3, I now want to lay most of my focus on C++. That is kind of Ironic, since a lot more people are interested in Lua now that Leadwerks 3 has arrived. It is not that surprising since the advantages of



For loop optimization

Today I learned a pretty basic but very usefull programming principle. It is about declaring multiple initialisers in a for loop. I am working with a mobile application and speed and memory are more of an issue than on computer right now. My application is finished when you look at its functionality and construction, but it has to be optimized.   Here is a narrowed down example of what I am doing:   for(int i = 0; i < veryLongArray.length(); i++) { DoSomething(i); } This is very b



The slender rebuild - An easy project?

Okay, so last night I got a burst of inspiration after seeing a horror movie. I wanted to use that energy to create a simple horror game. Recently I played Slender and I was surprised to see how 'easy to create' it seemed. Ofcourse that is easier said than done. So lets get to work   Rebuild for Leadwerks So how hard can it be right? Within 2 hours I had a nice little start. You jump over a fence and thats were the fun begins. I have added a temporary ending to set the mood a little.   Leve



The Leadwerks community project - Ending

A little extra information regarding the end of the Leadwerks Community Project.   Why did we stop There are many reasons for ending the project. The most important reason is that we think the motivation and amount of time people will invest in the project will drop extremely once LE3 has been released. It was allways something that played in the back of our heads. What if we are halfway through the game development process and LE will be released. You bet your *ss that the project will be di



Mutant Madness - Firing

Bugs Since the last blog I have been spending most of my time trying to find and solve bugs. There is a nasty one which causes a memory error. But it is not always present in every single playthrough.   Firing I started working on the firing mechanism. That didn't go as smooth as I had hoped. Especially my particles looked really boring. After a couple of days, I decided to remove them for now. Bunkers, canons and Sniper tower can succesfully fire. Rotation and good particles are added lat



Mutant Madness - Building placement part 2

Building selection A little update on the building placement. You can scroll with your mousewheel to select a different tower. I made the following code to cycle through the towers: //Mouse wheel checking m = LE.MouseZ(); if (prevM < m) { selectionID++; if (selectionID > 4) { selectionID = 0; Console.WriteLine("now 0"); } SetNewCurrentTempTower(); } else if (prevM > m) { selectionID--; if (selectionID < 0) { selectionID = 4; C



Mutant Madness - Building placement

Something I have never tried before is working with terrain and placing buildings on top of it. The idea is that you can build everywhere on the map as long as the slopes aren't to steep and there is no building already placed.   The Grid. Although you have the freedom of building a tower where ever you want, the underlying system still works with a grid system. That means that gridpoints can be tagged as "can not build". It also leaves space between buildings which is nice because I don't ha



Mutant Madness - Starting up

Tower defense games are my favorite casual games. The last few weeks I have been spending some free time on playing several of them. Steam had a lot of sales recently which gave me no choice but to buy them. Here are a few: Defense Grid: The awakening Orcs must die iBomber: Pacific They are quite addictive and found myself buying a lot of available DLC´s.     Mutant Madness I want to build a simple tower defense game. That means: Build a tower on flat ground Tower shoots o



Game Dev Year 2 - On the right path(finding)

Leadwerks It has been quite a while since I have been active on werkspace or with Leadwerks. Still, even after working with severall Engines and Frameworks, I allways come back to Leadwerks. I don't know what it is. The coding? The Visuals? The ease of use? The lighting? Anyway, I had some time of, since homework was fairly quickly finished. Spare time has been scarce so I am glad I can finaly make some time werkspace...   Year 2 Year 2 of Game development is an enormous improvement on the f



Student project: Kinect look a like

I was working in the cantina of the school the other day when I noticed a showcase by 2 (second years) game developer students. Their project for the last 6 months was to build some kind of interactive system for a rehabilitation center. I was really cool to see and to think of it that only 2 seconds students made this. Really impressive. They also made a bunch of small games but I didn't make a recording after this one.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiNCt0m-HXY



1 month of Game developing

Technically the title isn't really correct since game development hasn't really started yet. The first 10 weeks are introduction weeks, which are probably neccesary for a lot people who do not know which business unit they want to choose. As for me it has been clear that Game Development is my direction but in the mean time I get all sorts of classes from different IT directions: System and Network engineer Software engineer IT manager Human Centered Design Technical Computing



Project planning - Game modes

I have been using a concept of Game Modes to tell me in which part of the game I am. This really helps in getting code organised and planning of the game.  



Game development it is

As of next year I will be studying Game development in Amsterdam This is going to be awesome!   At the moment I am taking an extra course math. Although it is really tough, I really enjoy it! (in contrary to most of my surrounding living organisms.)



The pursuit of happiness.

The world of games, game development and game design is awesome. I just love it. The fun part is, that I only realised this since the past year and a half. Before that, I just liked playing games. Nothing else slipped in to my mind about "how a game is made etc.".   I like to tell you a little story about myself. We didn't have a computer at home until I was 10. Before that, I used to play games at my neighbours house. My neighgbours where German and their kid had a computer at his room with o



To program or not to programm

After 8 months since I purchased the Leadwerks Engine I'm still doubting about which direction to choose when it comes to game developing. At the moment I'm at a point where I can't choose whether I should focus more on moddeling, or if I should pay al my attention to scripting/coding. I'm doing a lot of these things at the same time without actually making some good progress. I never expected that I would learn how to programm by just messing around in the Leadwerks editor, but I have to admit



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