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RVL's Blog

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Publishing my game

Hello all,   For almost 1 month we made changes and add some new stuff to our game: Jane Croft. After we send to Big Fish Game a first version to review they told us we should make some changes. Here is a list of the most major issues:     We started immediately the work and after 2 more builds we finally finished. Yesterday the game went to BFG QA and I hope I will receive an answer Monday.   Right now we are making the trailer and the site for the game. As soon as will be ready I will



Jane Croft site + release date + other marketing stuff

Hello all again,   Today I received an email from our BFG contact. The game is very possible to be released this Sunday 11/07.   We almost finished our game site and you can visit it here: http://www.jane-croft.com   After the exclusivity ends we will share the demo to other shareware sites in order to raise our Google rank. The game will also be available to purchase directly from our store. We use for this, the FastSpring.com services. They have a very cheap commission fee   Also we



Our second game - a short description

Long time, no entry   In my first post I talked about me (Raul) about my team: RVL Games and about our first game: RVL Hacker.   From January we are working to a HOG like casual game (HOG = hidden object game). We decided to make such a game because we hope we will sell it easier. The game design is made by a friend of mine and the graphics by another guy. The game engine is made by James Poag a freelancer programmer from USA. The game has 10 levels with 2-3 hidden object scenes per level a



A few words about me

I started this blog to share my indie experience with all Leadwerks users. Also I will post here news about our current projects.   About RVL Games My name is Raul Gogescu and I made RVL Games a year ago. Right now we are 5 guys and we all worked in gaming industry. Unfortunately our skills are not enough to create a full commercial game so we have to make contracts with other teams.   About RVL Hacker, our first game With a friend of mine, which is also our web designer, we made the graph



Jane Croft: The Baker Street Murder

Just a short entry for now.   Finally, we received a confirmation email from Big Fish Games and these days we are working to implement their requests. I hope until the end of the month we will send our game for full QA.   Here is a picture from the title screen. I will come with more pics in the next days.     Update: More news may be available through: http://www.facebook.com/pages/RVL-Games/112666448755905



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