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A* Pathfinding Using Blitzmax And Leadwerks Engine

Following on from:   On The Right Path, A* Pathfinding In Leadwerks.   The Way Forward ... Making Blitzmax Trax ...   I decided to give the testing a few more hours. First off I wanted to create a new NPC Type which would have its own control flags and most importantly its own path storage buffer.   After a little thinking (a little thinking is what I excel at lol) and a few hours of coding and tweaking, I managed to get 32 new NPC Types all pathfinding their individual way around "Block

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

The Way Forward ... Making Blitzmax Trax ...

Following on from "On The Right Path, A* Pathfinding In Leadwerks" I thought before I archive the code, I'd have a little "dabble" with a basic function to get an NPC reading the path data and then following it to the "target" I had a couple of ideas on how to do this but as time for playing in leadwerks was running out I opted for a basic idea.   1. Target Position Selected 2. Path from NPC to selection calculated. 3. Path transfered to a temp storage array for that particular NPC 4. An NP

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

On The Right Path, A* Pathfinding In Leadwerks.

Well, it has been a while since I made a blog entry, let alone done any work in LE. But I do keep an eye on the forum and Leadwerks in between Daily life and working on my project(s).   I have also been going through my Blitzmax code archive, where I stored all my Blitmax/LE projects and code snippets (finished and not completed). One idea I had been playing with before, was basic NPC AI. I had some small success with some Bugs using autonomous logic.   See Here   In my "treasure trove" o

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Grunge Bob Square Pants ....

Currently I am taking a small break from actual coding right now, give or take the odd few hours now and then I thought it best to start construction of my testing level, or at least get the main parts of it built as the testing scene/areas are blueprints for a project I have had in mind for a while, basically some nasty persons do some nasty things which in turn brings about a whole lot of nasty and the player is the antidote to nasty in general. Yeah, not much of "game description" but radic

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Don't you just hate it when that happens ...

I started out this morning looking to update a test scene that I used for some first person tests I did in C++ after only having the engine for a few weeks and coding in C++ for even less time. Well, that was the plan. I managed to redesign the layout using 3DWS, and threw a few Dexsoft crates and Barrels in. The plan was then to work on textures but as usual after about an hour I had set sail on the good ship "unrelated" for a voyage across the bay of tangents. Don't you just hate it when that

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Crytek Planning a Free CryEngine Release? ...

It seems Crytek maybe planning a free CryEngine release.   "The developer behind Crysis 2 and the engine behind it, CryEngine 3, has plans to release a free version of their game engine that will be "up to speed" with CryEngine 3. This should help Crytek to further compete with Epic Games and Unity, both of which offer free versions of their respective game engines, Unreal Engine 3 and Unity. "   http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3178763     I suppose it was only a matter of time consid

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

OOP's I did it again ....

I started out yesterday morning looking to improve my understanding of types and methods in Blitzmax, and figure out how to use object-oriented programming (OOP) with it. I have only been programming in Blitzmax since the beginning of December last year, and only programming with C++ since the middle of October last year and The Leadwerks Engine since the beginning of October last year. So I am still on a very high learning curve in this regard.   As usual, for me, I started out on one thing a

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost


I have not entirely made my mind up on the new SSDO (screen-space directional occlusion). I liked, in some circumstances, the effect SSAO gave, especially on bump mapped brick textures. But I find SSDO to be quite "fizzy" possibly from the curve on the camera look values. This may well be down to settings but so far try as I might I still get this. Not sure it will be useful in an FPS situation as the HUD model seems to interact.     It does however have a very pleasing effect on "organic"

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

A superb addition

The new Indoor Lighting Optimization is truly a fine addition to the Engine. It has taken a little while to get into the habit of automatically setting the lights to Dynamic, Dynamic + Static, Static or Dynamic + Static + Buffered, as well as the needed setting for the objects in the scene. Objects that would normally always be static I have, for the time being, simply added an ini file to set them to static automatically. This will later be set via their scripts but for now it suffices.  

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost


Well, after much testing I have decided on an actual 3D modelling app to use in my workflow. I already have Blender, and while there are some very skilled users of this on the forum (Niosop and afecelis spring to mind and their tutorials are definitely worth checking out), I still find its user interface awkward and clumsy. So I demo'd a few different ones that would not break the bank. In the end I decided on AC3D. I find it simple to use and has enough features for what I wanted it for. 3DWS i

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Weather or not

Well nothing much to report, that does not mean nothing much has been going though   I have decided that as and when I make an emitter for a specific purpose, I will now create its own editor entity to save time by not having to create the exact same settings over and over. Also not every setting available needs to be adjusted so I will now re-write the properties to reflect what they effect and remove the ones not requiring adjusting for a particular effect and simply hard code them into th

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl....

Josh reported Christmas eve that There was a crazy sale on Steam and if you hadn't played STALKER, you could get it for $10.. well I had replaced my damaged copy only two days before that via steam .. and had cost me a whopping £1.39 ($2.22).. well if the $10 (£6.99) was still too steep a price for you, get over to steam now as its now only £2.00 ($3.24).. http://store.steampowered.com/app/4500/       Ignore the date on this entry it was posted today (Jan 3rd 2010) but the Blog date syst

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Happy New Year!!

Nothing much to report at the moment, still tinkering with some ideas, but thought I would take this opportunity to wish everyone, a happy, safe and rewarding new year.   Happy New Year Everyone.

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Terrain Holes Test in Blitzmax

I was informed yesterday that the terrain hole functionality was working in Blitzmax, so I did a quick half hour test. This is a feature I find very attractive for level design. The ground cover (small bushes and ferns) is just place holder art, and all the foliage was just "slapped" in for effect. The concept is a simple, hole in the ground which gives access to (eventually) a large underground modular bunker system. A simple hole cover/access/room model was knocked up in 5 mins in 3DWS. The te

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Almost a week now .....

Well, its been almost a week since the release of 2.3 and although I have been working away at it there is still so much new functionality I have not had a chance to fully explore yet. I decided the best approach would be to go back to basics, so to speak. Investigate how the new lua scripting and other features would cross over to C++ and Framewerk, this is still on going for me, and I am mixing that aspect in with getting to grips with the new functions in the editor. All in all I am impressed

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

5 Hours !!!!

5 Hours ago I started "playing" with the road feature in the new editor .. 5 hours ago !!! no, not because there is a problem its just been way so much fun if you recall the video Josh did of this function, let me say its way more fun driving than being the passenger, but that aside this feature is simply great, and will suit a project I have in mind down to a tee. Took a while to figure out a few things I was doing wrong but the end results have been exactly what I was after. Top marks for th

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Leadwerks Editor 2.3 for those Monday blues ...

Well that was a nice surprise, having resigned myself to the fact that even though it was the 23rd today, the time difference between myself and Pacific time meant I would have to wait until 8pm tonight to upgrade to 2.3   But on awaking I found Josh had already sent the emails for upgrading .. Having today off means I can now spend it in its entirity "playing" ..   Leadwerks Editor 2.3, New forum, Blogs, gallery, file storage, customizable profiles, videos...   Who needs Christmas?

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Leadwerks Engine 2.3

Well it is finally here, pre orders are being taken and due for release Monday, 23rd Nov. (23rd? 2.3?)...         Source

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost


I recently asked one of my nieces who is currently doing media and photography courses at college to keep an eye open for some "Gnarly Wood" textures. She emailed with a few images she had remembered to take. I spent an hour or two playing with them and quickly knocked up a place holder model in 3DWS to try out the two textures I had made from the images:           I then placed the model in an island scene I had built to test post processing effects using an application I have written

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Scene Patrol v1.00

Test of an application written in C++ using Leadwerks Engine for testing scenes created in Leadwerks Sandbox.     Source

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Veggie Shadow Test

With the recent update (2.28) I decided to test out the ability now to have vegetation layers cast shadows, it certainly adds a great deal of depth.     Source

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Test of concepts in Leadwerks Engine using C++

This is basically a test of concepts in Leadwerks Engine using C++ after a few weeks of using it (and even less time coding in C++). Using mainly information learned from the online tutorials and help from the community on the Leadwerks forum.     Source

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

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