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my blog of stuff i do with LE

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new gui stuff =)

Today and yesterday i wrote alot of new gui stuff:   GuiFrameView, wich is adding just a rect that shows a frame from an timage object to the vertexbuffer of the containing window, This can be a classic max2d like frame or my new IMP frame system. same as a new TextButton, wich is adding 3 rechts, to the buffer, 2 for the both "end piceces" and a stretched one, also it adds a ttexthandle to the buffer. Width can be auto assigned from the text, or manually setted (in this case the text will



Ann2d and AnnGui2

Actually i ported my Gui system from MiniB3d / native OpenGl to LE   preamble: since im legastenic and english not my main language, this text could be very ugly to read for you, sorry for this. I will try to improve this in Future posts, but it cost me like 8x concentration to to care about correct spelling, so then i would take 4 hours for this text intead of 10 minuts, please be sorry with me in this case!   it was easyier than i thought first, also i just rewrited some stuff that i was



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