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A harrowing tale of a gaming enthusiast dabbling in indie development.

Entries in this blog

Introducing Swords and Skellies

I just uploaded Swords and Skellies to the Asset Store in the Games section.   http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/324-swords-and-skellies/   This game release represents the first milestone in the larger project I have in mind. Creating such a simplistic game serves as a mechanism for advancing understanding of game coding, asset management, and engine usage. That is not to say it was simple. There were quite a few challenges when throwing this together. There were also major



Prototype World Tour

I was able to spend a lot of time with the editor over the past couple of weeks. I was also able to get all of my art assets converted for use. Take a look below at a video tour of my prototype world.   This will (hopefully) be the world I use for my first finished game. It will be a re-imagined pacman clone, in 3D. Instead of ghosts, There will be skeletons. Instead of a pac-man, there will be a classy red-head with a sword. This game will be a sort of project milestone. I still have



My First Demo

Here's a look at what I've been working on. The games I'm interested in making will resemble World of Warcraft, Dark Age of Camelot, and Warhammer Online, so the look and feel will mimic those as much as possible.   I've been working out the programming kinks. Had a 20 minute headache the other day when I suddenly realized that I was mixing up radians and degrees.   The animations look pretty good. I don't know that the video clip does them justice. I will probably revisit them later on



First Blog Post

Greetings all. I'm going to use this blog to document the process as I embark on the harrowing journey of a gaming enthusiast who dabbles in indie game development. The desire to do this stems from my utter disappointment with multiplayer RPG games that are available out there. Also, it serves as a project to help me develop my C++ skills and better understand "under-the-covers" networking which is useful in my professional career as a, well, not a game developer.   I was amazed at how much



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