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(WIP) Myst like action game with realtime physics/puzzles.

Entries in this blog

My artwork for Phobia - Progress

Hey!   Made some progress on the art for Phobia. Modelled a metallic bench on wheels for surgical tools, a pillow, and done some changes to the wall textures. I'm really satisfied with how it is turning out.   Also modified shad's toon shader, and the result is pretty awesome! The shader is now less cartoony, but enhances the scene in a number of ways! I get a PBR effect, the materials and lighting comes out much better, and it really adds a dirty horror feel to the entire scene.   Wor



My artwork for Phobia.

Hello guys!   As mentioned on the Hostile thread, Roland and myself have joined the guys from Narcoleptic Studios to work on the psychological horror adventure game Phobia.   It will be a pleasure to work with such devoted and talented guys, and i'm very happy to be part of the team.   Together we have enough talent to develop an outstanding product, and create a game experience you'll not easily forget.   During the development, i'll be posting screenies of WIP models and art that i cr



S.C.O.T.: Time for some music.

Hello all,   For a change, no images this time. Those will come in a later blog, so don't panic. We all like music, right? Some are into Jazz, others love house, and some (like myself) love metal. Music is another way to express feelings/moods, and most games have music that matches the game/level somehow.   In the previous blog about Seventh Crystal Of Theia, there was no sound in the video, and that was a shame, because there are already a bunch of environmental sounds and music in the



Seventh Crystal Of Theia (S.C.O.T.) - Latest progress/ingame video.

Hello everyone,   First of all, a Happy New Year to you all, a good health, lots of game creation, and all the rest you might desire! It seems that altering/perfectionizing is a human nature, which also happens to be mine. S.C.O.T. has gone through more changes since last time, and I can happily say, that these changes have made it soo much better. Finally got the right atmosphere/mood settings for the way it loox on screen. Roland has done a tremendous job getting the game mechanics and



S.C.O.T.: Progress, and the magnificence of iClone Animation Pipeline.

Hello everyone,   Why make the lives of artists/animators difficult, while it can be sooo much easier? Well, that's a question I can't answer. But...I can answer this...there IS an easy way to animate 3D characters, AND get them inside your game(s)! A few months ago, I bought the Reallusion iCLone Animation Pipeline package, and since then, I haven't regreted it for one moment. Although, I must admit, at first I was rather skeptical and not convinced whether or not to buy the program, but I'



SCOT - Myst game with realtime physics/puzzles and action - progress.

Hi everyone,   Decided to do another blog on SCOT (Seventh Crystal of Theia) to keep you all up to date on the latest progress, get some good advices from you all, plus it keeps Roland and myself more motivated. And also, because it's great to make blogs, right? Firstly, I'm not easily satisfied. I'm not trying to be perfect, but rather someone who's trying to get better. So, after walking a few more times in the levels, I noticed that the look was kinda dull, and not as we wanted it to be



SCOT - Myst game with realtime physics/puzzles and action.

Hi all,   Here's the latest news on SCOT ('Seventh Crystal of Theia'), formaly known as CELL. Roland and me decided to change the name to SCOT, because it tells a bit more about the game, and also because it sounds good. Roland and myself have been doing a lot of work, and the game is really starting to get shape. We have similar ideas about the game, which is really nice, and we get along very good, so I would like to thank Roland for being such a great guy! Thanks, man. Working as a te



Myst like action game with realtime physics/puzzles.

Hey all,   Some of you might know that Roland and me are working on a Myst like game. And, I must say, Roland is a very nice person to work with, is a great programmer, and we also share some hobbies like guitarplaying and art. We have a good chemistry going on between the two of us, which is very important when working as/in a team. Myst, Riven, Schizm are probably one of the most popular puzzle/adventure games made. And, we plan on making something simular, but at the same time, differe



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