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Leadwerks Navigator

I had some funny idea again, and started to make Leadwerks Navigator.   It's a simple web page which allows the user to choose different paths and areas of information about Leadwerks Engine. The deeper he navigates and into the more advanced topics he goes, the higher level he gets.   I have no idea how useful this is, or if the Leadwerks web site will be easier to navigate, but at least it's fun to do! :   http://www.siipi.com/leadwerks



Double-buffered shadow maps

I got my idea working with spot lights! You can simply use a shadow mode of 2 to indicate an object or light should be considered "static". A light that has the static mode set will use two shadow maps; one for static objects and one for dynamic objects. In the image below, the walls and room are static, and the oildrum has the regular dynamic shadow mode set. As you can see, redrawing the shadow only requires 650 triangles. Without this feature, the whole room and everything in it would ha



Kattemaksu #3 : The character/client setup.

Welcome to the third installment of Kattemaksu Online.   With a successful test of the RakNet log in and MySQL verification checks, we are moving on to the client of LE. This will include the engine with the log in coding.   My preference is for LE to use the RakNet mod(for BlitzMax) for inclusion into the engine for Netwerks, but that's another story. Since we are writing the client code in C++ the RakNet libraries will work just fine.   Our SBX scene is just about complete, and we will



Lighting optimizations in version 2.31

I got the volume intersection tests working, and it won't be hard to extend this to make trigger and fluid volumes. The image below shows a point light divided up into six volumes. Each pyramidal volume represents the camera frustum of one face of the shadow cubemap. In version 2.3 and earlier, whenever an object moves within the spherical volume of the point light, the shadow is considered invalidated, and all six faces of the shadowmap are redrawn. This is why point lights are so expensive



Quickr + Domino 8.5.1FP1 = Stable!

Finally I got the newest Quickr version to work together with the newest Domino version.Before the last version update, I was running Quickr and Domino 8.5.1 and it crashed almost daily.Domino left a 0 byte NSD file behind each time it crashed.Now it hasn't crashed once yet.All SNAPPS apps are also installed and working fine.   Source



Something To Do

Add CREATENOW parameter to LEO's Framework::Framework() and Engine::Engine(). Expand hybrid fpscontroller2.lua example Also try to split it into universally reusable thingoids [*]Make some cool dungeon with 3DWS [*]Write a short tutorial how to create a distributable game (including built-in C++ RunTime) Include a game launcher and updater in the tutorial [*]Write also a mini game while doing the tutorial [*]Try to get a ragdoll physics character controller working [*]It could be



Kattemaksu #2 : The log on server

Welcome to blog Number 2;   There is not a lot to discuss here, but I wanted to post an update(mostly so I can track myself. lol)   We are just about completed with the Log on server. This actually has nothing to do with LE on the server side. The SQL connection is good, and we are using an sql.lite file for the log on server info. We felt that this would secure it a little better than a standard .CFG or .TXT file for the server host.   We will be running a test tonight from a dedicated



OnLive Lives?

When OnLive was first announced, I thought it couldn't ever work, because of latency issues. After my recent networking work, I think it might actually be feasible. We had fast enough response times that we could play lagless games with server-controlled physics, which is similar to the way OnLive works. A lot of our tests were performed with intercontinental connections, and of course those will have significant latency. We found that when playing within 1000 miles of the server latency wa



Design Problem

I finished the collision editor, and now came across a pretty significant design issue. The approach the main editor has always taken is that by the time assets get into it, they are finished and ready for usage. Now I am making it so the model editor can change the structure of a model, save it, and have the main editor reload all instances of it. However, the Lua class scripts cause some problems with this. If I load a model with it's script enabled, the script might delete limbs fromt he



January 25, 2010

The networking code is pretty much done, but I don't think it's quite ready to release. We're redesigning the site to integrate the forum and community features together with the whole site, and an official documentation section is being created. In the meantime, I am going to start the model editor. This will be an app to replace the "Model Viewer" which will allow viewing and resaving of .gmf files. It will also include some editing features so you can adjust some of your meshes that might




I invented a new programming language called Easy.It's faster than C++ (theoretically), since it inlines everything.I see no point programming in C++ without Easy anymore, since the same and better results can be achieved using this new language.It saves also a lot of time and costs when programming, and it should work also with other languages than C++, if they support variadic macros.Here's the Easy home page: http://www.siipi.com/easyEasy is still in version, but it will grow



IK Animation

To get nice locomotion and not have NPC walking with feet stuck in the terrain or hovering in the air you need to place the feet to match the terrain, coping with slopes etc.   Leadwerks has forward kinematics but not inverse (which is needed to do this). Because of this I have written (with help) an IK solver.   Thanks to Tyler for supplying the code as a starting point.   Here's a video of it working: -   Here's the code (I actually ended up doing 2 solvers)   #include "IKSi

Chris Paulson

Chris Paulson

Easy language

I introduced my new language earlier in Roland's Wizard thread, so I thought I could explain it a bit more. Of course a new language is always seen a bit sceptically by people, and they wonder why is it needed, or what benefits does it bring.   At its first version, Easy is still very simple, and based on Variadic Macros (macros which can take a dynamic amount of parameters), and I hope I can keep it that way, and not need a seperate preprocessor, since it would break some features, like dire



Animation Prototype

Well, long time has passed since i have written a new entry.   While I'm still working on the asset manager and Texture Converter (non threading version) I have prototyped a small animation class in Blitzmax which can handle multiple animations at once for a single mesh. eg: you can walk and use your sword in the same time.   Everything is handled automatically you just give a root animation a speed factor and a blend factor. Later you can simply add an 'extra'- animation to the mesh by u



Moments beside Hafiz

Let not the pious judge the meek; Each for his own deeds will speak. Whether I’m good or bad, you judge yourself; You reap what you sow, find what you seek. Everyone is seeking love, sober or drunk; Everywhere a house of love, yet so unique. I submit my head on the tavern’s bricks, If you don’t understand, just take a peek. Let me keep my hope of eternal grace, Behind the veil, who is good, who the freak? Not only I fell out of virtuous path, My father too, treaded that path oblique. Hafiz, on y



Kattemaksu #1. The start

Kattemaksu Online (Which means Retribution)   I have no screen shots, as I am going to transfer this project from Realmcrafter Pro to LE. Those guys have not got a clue. Yeah, the tool set is nice, but if the stupid thing doesn't work, then whats the point of wasting my time. Yes the server, and client will have to be written, but I need to learn hard coding anyways, and I have a team memeber that knows C# really well. I think it can be pulled off.   With 2.3 being released with Lua impl



Input and render management done

Today i've finished the input and render management of my gui system. Focuses are working well.   Now i will get a bit deeper into other gui element like textboxes and buttons.   Here is a demonstration of how it works:  



Just started gui system...

After a few days of trying to integrate cegui into leadwerk I've decided to develop my own gui system in leadwerks. It will be a full skinable gui system. Today I finished the imageset loader to define imagesets. Imagesets are described in xml. Here is an example:   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <guiconfig> <imagesets> <imageset name="window"> <image relation="topLeft" width="10" height="10"> <![CDATA[abstract::windowTopLeft.dds]]>



Head Practice

This is a highpoly model made in ZBrush. First time I used "Projection Master" for texturing. Zbrush - Photoshop 4 days - almost 15 hours



The common goal of programmers and artists

Is to make games as easily as this: http://fuse.microsoft.com/kodu/   Editor can get very close to that, by creating Thingoids and Models for it. You can make those kind of ad-hoc menus in Editor using Thingoids, and have Models have their own logic so you just place them in Editor, and they get alive.



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