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Real Games made with LE




I've been experiencing a distinquished behaviour of the community for some time.

It's like when someone advances in his work, suddenly everyone else advances too.


Yeah, I know in history also similar or identical inventions have been made around the world at the same time without that the inventors were connected or cooperating anyhow with eachother.

There has been made also tests with apes, who learned that a banana was served in a certain spot, and new apes would go to that spot without never having being in contact with the previous apes who learned it.


I don't call it supernatural, but there must be somekind of impulse and sharing of knowledge, over the remaining 7 dimensions we know of today. Sure, the tools, libraries, code snippets, demos and the entity packs which LE 2.3 now supports will play a big role too in this evolution. Soon everyone will get a lot of fully working and exchangable models with their own logic shared via this site.


There has been a lot of people asking about real games made with LE.

I think when the first one comes, suddenly a lot will come at the same time or shortly after.

Especially with this new social development site.


Of course there has been a few dozen playable games already published with LE, but no real games, like Crysis, which go fully commercial and AAA with every little tweak and trick and most polished arts possible.


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Usually the first couple years of any engine's life doesn't produce any games, because users are still learning the system, and it's still being improved. The nicest DarkBasic and Blitz3D projects didn't come along until 5 years after they were released.

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