Seventh Crystal Of Theia (S.C.O.T.) - Latest progress/ingame video.
Hello everyone,
First of all, a Happy New Year to you all, a good health, lots of game creation, and all the rest you might desire!
It seems that altering/perfectionizing is a human nature, which also happens to be mine.
S.C.O.T. has gone through more changes since last time, and I can happily say, that these changes have made it soo much better. Finally got the right atmosphere/mood settings for the way it loox on screen.
Roland has done a tremendous job getting the game mechanics and gameplay working, such as health/power pickups, checkpoints, damage system, inventory, etc... . Thanks, my friend!
The game isn't ready to be played yet, but we're continuously working and improving all factors, getting nearer to a first demo.
Speaking of changes...the main character Celly has gone through a major change! A total makeover (as you will see in the screenshots).
But, her quest remains the same, though...saving the world. Heheheh!
New and more animations are being created (with iCLone's help, of course), and we also have plans for weapons and other attributes to help Celly in her quest.
A few props/models have been redone (uv-mapping and texturing), and it improved the framerate of the game!
I altered the cartoon shader a bit, and made it working with HDR aswell.
To show you guys all the changes/improvements, a small vid has been recorded with ingame footage. The framerate in that vid is practically half as low as it runs normally, which was caused by running the game AND the recording software at the same time.
There's also sound added in the game, but not in the vid (small problem with the screen recording software, or some wrong settings). Sorry about that.
And, the quality of the vid is also much lower than the actuall thing, so that's why I also took a few latest screenshots. So, here they are:
Screenshot taken three weeks ago (old Celly model, and older atmosphere/mood settings):
Another screenshot (old Celly model, improved atmosphere/visual settings):
Most recent screenshot (new Celly model, and improved atmosphere/visual settings):
And finally, an ingame vid of the game:
All comments are appreciated. Thanks.
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