Developing for Success
Developing a failure sucks. You spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of hours on a project only to find out that it's a complete flop and nobody wants to use or play it.
As independent game developers we have a unique situation and challenge. Our resources are limited and our conditions are that of extreme uncertainty.
Acquiring certainty of the success of a project by collecting feedback early on is great way to determine whether to continue, change course, or drop the project. You'll waste less time when you know you're heading in the right direction.
Concepts from the book "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries discuss the rapid iteration process of developing, getting customer feed back, and making forward motion based on the feedback.
It talks about producing a minimally viable product, something not necessarily complete that may have potential bugs and modifying it till you find something that your target audience actually wants.
I love the concept and hope that developers keep this in mind when developing their projects.
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