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3 weeks of Leadwerks 3




blog-0736658001363902877.jpgIn follow up to Andy, I also want to do a little blog on my experience with Leadwerks 3 so far. The first week after purchasing I didn't have much time to spend on it. Luckily after that week, there was quite some time left for the start of a new adventure.





In contrary to Leadwerks 2.3, I now want to lay most of my focus on C++. That is kind of Ironic, since a lot more people are interested in Lua now that Leadwerks 3 has arrived. It is not that surprising since the advantages of using Lua have improved quite a lot. Ofcourse we have debugging and stepping through Lua scripts which is a huge gain. And the other thing is the flowgraph editor. Rick has provided me an extra motivation boost to try out the flowgraph editor, with his cool scripts. (Of which the volume trigger is my personal favorite smile.png ). I tried to create a little script myself and within minutes, real simple gameplay interaction was set up.(Gravity activator) Something that was a lot harder to do with Leadwerks 2.3.



C++ and Shaders

For my own portfolio and skill set I started with C++ and the LE3 API. Just like with LE2, the API is very easy to use. Chris and Josh have done an excellent job on describing commands for both C++ and Lua. Pretty much every command comes with a working example. In the future I also hope to learn more about shaders. Shadmar has allready created severall of them, which you should check out.



A good way to teach yourself something, is to try teaching it to others. Thats the motto I have been going with since I have started creating tutorials for Leadwerks 2.3. The road is wide open again with the arrival of Leadwerks 3. The first 5 video tutorials for using C++ with LE3 are uploaded on youtube and more are on their way. Eventually I hope to reach a point were we will create a game that uses a combination of C++ and Lua. For a complete overview of tutorials, have a look here:



Future updates

There are plenty of things that can be improved with Leadwerks 3. Thats a fact. I am not talking about the deferred rendering with dynamic shadows. It is really the little things that count. I am more than confident that these issues will be dealt with in the near future. As soon as Josh is back from the GDC, there will probably be updates every other day. For now, I am really happy with my purchase of Leadwerks 3. I am looking forward to all the cool stuff that this community is going to create.




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There are plenty of things that can be improved with Leadwerks 3. Thats a fact. I am not talking about the deferred rendering with dynamic shadows. It is really the little things that count.


I'm also in same mood about that.

But i think LE 3 going eye candy with shadows and others stuff, it's a marketing good point to attract people searching these features.


Im' not C++ Fan at all. I like a lot actual way of using Lua, it's simple once you have understood some concepts (thanks to Chris for some explanation on some posts).


And i have some doubts about making a full game C++, or it can be by getting all entities by names in a loop like in the old LE 2 way i didn't liked.

For me Lua is just perfect, you create the script behaviour you nedd ,attach it and just run the level, no worry about finding entities by names or manage them, caus they are managed by the attached scripts.

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I dream of some Car editor special for vehicules of 4 wheels.

Somethign where you would import some car body, define physics and mass.

Then import a wheel, position it by symmetry on right position, than tweak defaut physic values.

Than just use some physics commands on the vehicle.


I think it's for later.

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