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Status Update




Hello all, it has been a little bit since my last post about continuing to use Leadwerks 3. I have gotten some good positive feedback from the staff at LE3 in regards to them confirming the bugs and doing what they can to fix it.


The colliding of hidden models isn't an issue with LE3 but with the physics engine that LE3 uses. The staff at LE3 is getting in contact to resolve that issue. I have a work around so this isn't stopping me.


The staff had some issues verifying the rolling of models bug. My instructions weren't very clear. I posted a video demonstrating the bug yesterday. I'm still waiting to hear back about that bug.


These 2 bugs aren't major on my end as of right now. I will continue to push on. The project is on a hold as i need money to pay my modelers and graphic designers. I'm currently getting ready to move, just bought college books and lab kits. on top of that my anniversary is the first week in august and that is a week long trip to the mountains that needs to be paid for. because of this, going to have to put this on hold. It seems like i'm never going to get this thing more than a foot off the ground. I want a working demo with an interface before I put it on kickstarter and greenlight in attempts to boost my chances of it succeeding.





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