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Shift to business software




A few weeks ago i discussed my business software to a friend of mine. This friend owns an insurance business and expressed to me that my business software as a good potential, it just has to be put in front of the right people. With him insuring businesses, we agreed that he is in a better position to put the software in front of people who would benefit from it. Because of this, I have decided to make that my current priority when it comes to time set aside for software developing. This will help me fund my game project.


About my business software:

The software asks the user to determine what positions are needed, and how many shifts are needed for that position each day. On each shift the user puts the start time, stop time, and the number of employees assigned to that position are needed for the shift.

next the manager populates a list of employees which include their name, position, max hours, days and time available for each day. all the shift and employee information is saved between uses.

One all data has been inputted, the manager will press "generate Schedule" any time the manager wants a new random schedule. manual editing is still available.

What this does is allow the manager, each week, to create a new random schedule at the click of a button. The only thing i have left to do now is to implement some encryption algorithms for the data and create the installer.


Once available, would anyone like a demo of this software? It is designed for any place of business that has part time employees such as retail. It isn't designed for places of business who's shifts carry past midnight.



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I would say this is easier said than done. I wouldn't do this with expectation that things will just "take off" because it's the only software like this.


People need to become aware of it(marketing) and that can take time and dedication.


If it's not something you're passionate about or believe in then I wouldn't start, but if you are then you will have no problem dedicating yourself to this.


Just because it's a "good idea" without the drive and passion behind it it won't necessarily become or be a success.

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the software is done. I got a friend who owns an insurance business who is putting it in front of his clients. got a few good responses. trying to create the installers for it now.

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