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You did it! Leadwerks 3.1 is coming to Linux.

As traditional gaming platforms are becoming more and more restrictive, software developers, hardware vendors, open-source coders, and gamers are working together to build a better future for gaming on the open platform Linux. I count myself fortunate to have found my place in this movement, and am very grateful that over 700 Linux gamers believed in this idea.

What now?

I'm driving over to the IGDA Summit today to sit in on a few sessions. Then I'm going to take a much-needed couple of days off and we'll hit the ground coding Monday morning. There's a lot of work to do before December, but our requirements are very clearly defined and the major technical hurdles have been knocked out. I have a pretty open development process and enjoy explaining the cool stuff we implement, so you'll be updated at every step along the way.


It's clear that the visual GUI designer stretch goal is something many people would like to have. The idea could probably use more refinement, and I'm not going to make spur-of-the-moment development decisions, but the feature is a very good candidate for future development.


Physical items will be shipped in August. I'll post an update here when items begin shipping. A poll will be sent out to gather shirt sizes and any other needed information.


For near-daily updates you can add Leadwerks on social networks:


Once again because it can not be said enough, thank you for backing this project. This is a win for not only the Linux operating system, but for PC gaming, which is finally getting the priority it deserves on Linux.


The following organizations helped achieve this outcome:


And of course, thank you to Kickstarter for providing the platform to support this funding model.

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