Dynamic properties!
I like the idea of being able to add dynamic properties at run-time. The following code shows how you can set this up. Instead of declaring a hardcoded amount of variables in a class you could just give it 1 Properties class and it can be dynamic!
#include <string> #include <map> using namespace std; class Prop { public: virtual ~Prop() { } }; template<typename T> class Property : public Prop { private: T data; public: virtual ~Property() { } Property(T d) { data = d; } T GetValue() { return data; } }; class Properties { private: map<string, Prop*> props; public: ~Properties() { map<string, Prop*>::iterator iter; for(iter = props.begin(); iter != props.end(); ++iter) delete (*iter).second; props.clear(); } template<typename T> void Add(string name, T data) { props[name] = new Property<T>(data); } template<typename T> T Get(string name) { Property<T>* p = (Property<T>*)props[name]; return p->GetValue(); } }; int main() { Properties p; p.Add<int>("age", 10); int age = p.Get<int>("age"); return 0; }
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