Release holdoff
16 members have voted
So in anticipation of Leadwerks 3.1 standard on linux, I just installed linux an i'm installing wine to run my desktop SVN viewer Source Tree which links back to BitBucket . I've got to get famirliar with this interface. I've used it once before but couldn't get used to the interface. If anyone has any tips or tricks for modifying the interface or has any reccomendations of sub kernals to use and how to configure/install them I would be very greatfull.
Last time i treid linux i only saw code::blocks as the IDE to use. I didn't like it on my windows and so when i tried it on linux i didn't like it there eaither. That pretty much killed using linux for me. Didn't have an IDE that i liked why would I use it. Now that i see there is netbeans, which I use for java programming, is it possible to compile Leadwerks 3.1 standard C++ code using the netbeans IDE. I mean they should both call the same compiler and linker so it shouldn't matter right?
My last thought for this blog is what would the community say in an effort to help drive the linux gaming environment, we would release our games for Linux one month prior to our release for windows and mac. I've attached a poll to get a feel of the communitys feelings on this subject.
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