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Leadwerks Standard Edition Brings C++ Game Development to Steam




blog-0972282001396890676.jpgFollowing the successful debut of Leadwerks Game Engine: Indie Edition on Steam, Leadwerks Software today announced the launch of Leadwerks Standard Edition. This DLC on Steam adds support for programming in modern C++11 with Microsoft’s Visual Studio 2013.


C++ is the game industry’s leading programming language, due in large part to its superior performance and flexibility. However, the language is sometimes considered to be too complicated for indie developers to take advantage of. Leadwerks solves this problem by focusing on a useful subset of the C++ language, and providing a simple command library that works the same in C++ and Lua. This makes C++ game development fast and easy to control.


Adding C++ support to Leadwerks Game Engine unlocks access to a massive amount of free third-party game libraries, which are typically written for C++. Indie game developers can include new libraries for physics, AI, and virtual reality into their Leadwerks projects without having to wait for the developers to add an official bridge. This lets indie developers take advantage of the newest technologies and provides a degree of control other languages can’t match.


Leadwerks is designed to make game development easy for Steam’s 75 million users. A new renderer built on OpenGL 4.0 provides advanced graphics at an affordable price. Built-in level design tools make map design easy for users who don’t happen to be expert artists. Game code can be written with Lua, an easy-to-learn script language, or modern C++11. Finally, the royalty-free license means game developers can publish commercial games and keep 100% of the profits, with no additional payments due, ever.


The Leadwerks Game Engine: Standard Edition DLC can be purchased on Steam for $99.


About Leadwerks Software

Leadwerks Software was founded in 2006 to build game development tools that are powerful and easy to use. The company launched Leadwerks 3, their first multiplatform product, at GDC 2013. Last summer, the company conducted a successful Kickstarter campaign to being Leadwerks to the Linux operating system, reaching over 200% of their goal in just six weeks. A concurrent Greenlight campaign for Steam was also successful, making Leadwerks the first 3D game engine approved for distribution on Steam.

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I don't understand, what's the difference between this version and the standard version here on this site which cost $199. Does the steam standard edition can be used only to create games that works on steam? And does the steam standard version also include Lua like the one here on this site?

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Leadwerks on Steam has additional features like screenshot and video publishing, Workshop integration (in progress), and other features that may be added in the future. Games made with the Steam version can still be published anywhere you want, not just to Steam.

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I still don't understand, why would anyone buy the one on the site for $199 and they could get it for $99 on steam also why would someone buy the inde version on steam for same price as the standard version on steam if the standard one had more features. Please I need a good explanation because the description does not give enough information about the versions . thanks

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I still don't understand, why would anyone buy the one on the site for $199 and they could get it for $99 on steam also why would someone buy the inde version on steam for same price as the standard version on steam if the standard one had more features. Please I need a good explanation because the description does not give enough information about the versions . thanks

Well, technically it's $1 cheaper if you get indie + standard DLC on Steam. But some people prefer a standalone version.

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@Oxford: Please read a little more carefully on the store page what the difference is between indie and standard edition. Indie costs 99 and standard cost 199. indie + upgrade to standard costs 198

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@Oxford: The indie version is Lua only. The standard version is C++ AND Lua. So the standard on this site is $199. The standard on steam is $199. Indie on steam is $99. Standard DLC for indie is $99. It's all the same price.

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Yes I understand now, the standard on steam is just an addon to the inde version on steam to make it like the one in the site. But you say that in steam description that its an addon so people don't just buy the standard one and get shocked that they need the inde one too for it to work.

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Yes I understand now, the standard on steam is just an addon to the inde version on steam to make it like the one in the site. But you say that in steam description that its an addon so people don't just buy the standard one and get shocked that they need the inde one too for it to work.

It's not possible to buy the DLC without owning the base product. :)

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It is this Steam Standard the version 3.1 of Leadwerks?, Im confused because it said OpenGL 4.0 support but that is Leadwerks 3.1?.


If thats the case how can I get this version without steam?. Or I have to continue using version 3.0 until 3.1 is ready on here?. also when 3.1, I pre ordered on March 2014.

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It's not possible to buy the DLC without owning the base product. smile.png


As a buyer of the "pre-order", which includes both Indie and Standard edition, wonder why this last one is not already included in my Steam account (as DLC). To have both versions in Steam does not think it necessary to shell out another $ 100 for a version that is already included in my previous purchase. Correct me if I'm wrong, Josh.

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