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This week's progress




This isn't really a fancy PR post that's been carefully thought out, more just a quick update of what I've been doing.


A third party firm was contracted to provide a Debian package for Leadwerks. We tried to do it in-house, but were unsuccessful. I expect it to go live next week, at which point I will have a final Kickstarter update and start the Linux push in earnest. I've been fairly quiet about it because I wanted to make sure things worked, and I was also waiting for the distribution channels. The Linux build on Steam is having trouble initializing Steam (only in release mode!) so that is going to be delayed.


I wanted to finish out the Workshop integration, and it's going well. I replaced the file open dialog with a custom dialog that's almost indistinguishable from the default, but it adds the ability to select Workshop files. As I explained previously, when you subscribe to a Workshop item, the package is downloaded in an encrypted zip file and stored in a central location. The user doesn't have to copying around files by hand; instead I am just integrating this virtual file system into the engine at every level, so we can easily share items with each other. This is amazing because I can use a few Workshop assets in a map, then send that map to someone else and they can easily access all the same contents, without passing around a lot of files. This turns us all into content providers who can update the rest of the Leadwerks community with our work whenever we push out an update. So we are getting closer to the dream of becoming this big global game studio with effortless cooperation.


If you want to uninstall something, it's as easy as right-clicking on the package in the asset browser and selecting the "Unsubscribe" menu item. I believe this easy opt in/out system will lead to a much higher rate of content sharing than we would get by passing zip files around. More on this later.


I've been slacking on the Blender exporter, and I really need to hire someone to get that going. Not sure if I personally will be converting the GMF SDK code to C++, or if I will have someone else do it, or if I will skip it and have the whole thing written in Python. But I want to wrap that up.

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Why not to do Blender exporter development community driven?

Split the work into set of small tasks. Make github repo and we will do rest of the things.

Give a reasonable and fun rewards to most active participants and everyone will be happy.



Just writen a boilerplate code for plugin if it helps somehow. For now plugin is installable and has some UI, but do nothing.

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Why not to do Blender exporter development community driven?


I hope not. We paid for it as part of kickstarter. The last thing I want to do is wait a year for it to get to beta. He should pay someone and get it done in the next month or two.

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I hope not. We paid for it as part of kickstarter. The last thing I want to do is wait a year for it to get to beta. He should pay someone and get it done in the next month or two.

I agree. Besides, it's cheaper to hire one person than to try to get 30 people to write something!

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