Artistic Game Workflows for Phobia
I will write various articles as we progress through the making of Phobia.
Our team Dave, Rick, Rose and myself are like the Leadwerks promo states "turning players into game makers". In the end hopefully some things we learn you can use as well.
As Josh said marketing is considered before one line of code is written so it is with modelling, UV set creation and texture \ normal map workflows.
My first job as I saw it when I joined the Phobia team was to establish a modelling and texturing workflow that could be used through the entire process of the game. This took some testing and then a final workflow settled on. Regardless of software used a repeatable and consistent workflow is vital for production. This helps the different modellers and texture artists keep consistent as they work on the overall scheme of the game. If the team increases then any new artist can be brought up to speed quickly.
I will leave any coding articles to Rick...
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