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New update available on beta branch




A new update is available on the beta branch on Steam.


Pistol script bug fixed

A recent change in the way particle emitters are updated was causing an error where one-shot emitters would automatically release themselves while the engine was iterating through the list of emitters, causing a crash. This has been fixed.


You must update your project to get the new binary. Open the Project Manager and press the Update button to update.


Game Player Enhancements

The Leadwerks Game Player is now a separate application the editor launches. At this time, the game player can still only be launched from within the editor menu. (See Workshop > Play Games.)




Scintilla in Linux

​The Linux build now features Scintilla syntax highlighting, courtesy of our community member Klepto2. Be sure to thank him for his work figuring this out!



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If you are not seeing the fully featured editor in Leadwerks for Linux yet go to "~/.config/leadwerks" delete/rename the old config and let Leadwerks generate a new one, the defaults will enable the full editor again.


Sadly the options for changing it aren't yet exposed inside the editor under Linux (again), which i'm sure will come in a future update.

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