Infinitus Proelium debug dev video 1
Very early video just showing the terrain and character movement. And some generated buildings.
Things working/worked on so far:
- The 'terrain' is generated at runtime using perlin noise and Surface:AddVertex(), :SetVertexColor(), :SetVertexNormal(), etc
- Character controller written from scratch, not using the builtin controller.
- Shader for the terrain uses a combination of diffuse material, vertex colour, and triangle normal. The diffuse material is black and white, the edges are coloured by multiplying with the surface normal, and the whole triangle is coloured by adding the vertex colours.
- Crappy weapon viewmodel just for testing.
- Somewhat accidental skybox effect. If I can find a better 'digital sky' I'll probably change it. This is just crazy cos,sin x,y,z stuff.
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