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The Road to Now




So as many of you may know, before the release of Leadwerk 3.0 I was working on a castle defense type game. With the release of Leadwerks 3.0, I was unable to get my models to import properly. It has been a while since then as I didn't have any ideas for a game for me to work on, as well as time and inspiration to work on one. I also got a new job as a C# developer which will help me become a better programmer. I've also been taking classes and just life in general. I have recently gotten a new idea for a game and have been inspired to create it. Talking with some game developers that work with my company they feel it is a good idea.


Arena is a game based on the grind elements found in other popular games where you fight monsters to get drops and experience. Right now there is a plan for 2 Arena maps and a gauntlet to run. I plan on this game being an internal competition on the server where players will directly battle each other for glory, compare times, and even have cooperative aspects where players fight along side one another to be the best team in the server. There will be few different ways to be a champion of a server but there only one champion of each aspect of the game. Players will be able to select and spec out classes, enchant weapons and armor and even combine enchantments to devastate their opponents whether it be human or not. For players who like a challenge, the hard core mode will make you select your strategy carefully. Dying in a hardcore arena or tournament will cause you to loose your equipment and stats. Tread carefully.


This game is currently in a proof of concept stage where I'm putting together rough drafts to the maps to play on along with a rough combat, loot and experience system. You can watch this game as it develops on my twitch account at www.twitch.tv/xtreampb


Keep an eye out as this develops for special opportunities may become available.

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