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Leadwerks Winter Games Tournament Kicks Off




The first Leadwerks Winter Games tournament has begun!



How to Enter

Submit your playable game to the Leadwerks Games Catalog, before January 15th. You can use any Christmas or non-Christmas related ideas. You can work together in teams or on your own. On the day of January 15th, a review of submitted games will be posted.


Rather than a competition, this tournament is a "co-opetition". The community is encouraged to help one another make fun playable games. Everyone who participates in the tournament will receive a prize.


If this is your first official game tournament entry, you will receive a Leadwerks sticker in the mail.



If this is your second tournament entry, you will receive a Leadwerks T-shirt in the mail.



If this is your third tournament entry, you will receive a rockin' Leadwerks beanie to keep your head warm. (Image not available yet.)

Getting Started

To help kick off the contest, we've released the Christmas Props Pack by Rich DiGiovanni for free in the Leadwerks Workshop. Feel free to use these models to get started with your game idea. You can participate by posting blogs about your game's development, or just post some work-in-progress screenshots. (Also, if you need more models, Rich is available and does great work at a reasonable price.)




If you've got a serious project in development, this is a great opportunity to take a break and make a simple fun game, or you can even make a simplified teaser of your game to drum up a fan base. Here are a few entries from past tournaments.


Most of all have fun, and watch out for reindeer!

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Recommended Comments

Random (but somewhat relevant) question: Can assets on Workshop games be protected? Or is that feature only with Standalone .exes?

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"You can participate by posting blogs about your game's development"


Would that be using the Blog feature here? Can these be used by people with "Members" accounts?

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I have a quick question. I just got the software yesterday and was wondering how big does the game have to be to submit. I am working on a game as we speak, but might need a few extra months. The game can be functional by the 15th, but will lack feature.

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I am almost done with my game. One quick question though. Can I use assets from the workshop and can I use royalty free personal use files (Song, SFX, and font).

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I am almost done with my game. One quick question though. Can I use assets from the workshop and can I use royalty free personal use files (Song, SFX, and font).

You certainly can!

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I was hoping to have something finished for this, but due to unforeseen circumstances, it looks like I may not be able to after all. Here's hoping I'll be in a better position for the next one =/

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