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Workshop Browser Preview




The implementation of the Leadwerks Workshop has always been planned in two steps:

  1. Initial implementation using the Steam interface.
  2. Implementation of built-in interface in editor.


I've been working on the second part for a couple days, and the results are pretty awesome so far. A built-in browser lets you view all items in the Workshop, search, and sort by rating or date uploaded.




When you click on an item, you can view its detail view. Pressing the "Install" button will install the item into your current project. (If you aren't already subscribed to the item, you will be automatically.)




This simplifies the process of acquiring items from the Workshop, since you no longer have to switch between Leadwerks and Steam, and you don't have to restart Leadwerks to get your item. I have always found the "subscribe" functionality a little confusing, and in the future I hope to make that part of it completely invisible to the end user.


The fact that people are still using the old Downloads area sometimes tells me that the Workshop is not as easy as it could be. Basically, it's competing with zip file downloads. It needs to be easier than downloading and unzipping a zip file. I think we're getting there, because the new browser takes fewer steps.



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I just tried to start the editor and I had to wait several minutes while it downloaded the Terrain Textures (no skip option to just get to the editor). Now it says New Addons are available with it and another Addon having warning icons next to them asking if I want to install (with the Uninstall button grayed out). What? Didn't it just download these? So I'll just close this window out (praying it won't cause any issues) and unsubscribe, so this won't happen again.


I'm sure these are the types of issues being resolved but for now, for me, zip files really are more hassle-free.


Edit: I don't see the assets in the editor any more (to unsubscribe) so I don't know what it was downloading at launch. Yet when I go to the Workshop, it still says I'm subscribed. I don't know what's going on.

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There's a difference between subscribing to and installing a file, since you can have multiple projects that may have different subscribed items installed or not.


Thanks for the feedback. This is definitely challenging to design, but there's a lot of potential here.

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Thanks. I'm also not on beta so maybe some of this is different there.


I would still strongly suggest not downloading items at launch that are not used in the loaded project though.

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I would still strongly suggest not downloading items at launch that are not used in the loaded project though.

Good point.


Having that on the editor reminds me Unity Asset Store and is just great for the workflow.


Will it be possible to purchase models throught that new workshop browser ?

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Paid items are part of the plan. It will all run through Steam do you don't have to enter your credit card.

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I think it would be a great feature to have paid items as well since they encourage more and larger assets.


I actually like the way Leadwerks handles assets now, but of course a built-in asset browser seems like a cool feature as well.

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Thanks Josh, is the original game publishing still working for everyone or is it just me having issues, I've been unable to publish any game to the workshop for over a week. Using latest Beta 3.3. I've posted a screen shot for the game ok. I fill in the publish game form, and a few seconds after pressing publish the form refreshes with just the Public and Game boxes still containing data.

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I will check that out, but it should work just fine.


@nick.ace it's about to get a lot simpler. The built-in interface really helps, and it does away with the need to even look at the Workshop on Steam.

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I deleted some old games that I had put up to test, then it seemed to get much further, failing to publish a file called "." .


I successfully published after I also made the .jpg screen shot a lower resolution and removed use of one of the other workshop assets terrain, as I was only using the snow, which I replaced with white diffuse and used the assets that came with Leadwerks for the other parts of the mat.


Are there any limits to the amount of storage used on the workshop per individual, for Leadwerks as a whole, or a limit to how many assets, or items that can be published? If so what are the limits?

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