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One More Day




blog-0875501001420934773.jpgSo I have decided to do a progress blog on a game that I am just starting. I have only had Leadwerks about a week so I have not done much yet other than read and watch tutorials and experiment and this will of course continue as I try to put the game together.

Here is an overview of what the game will be like:

The game will be a survival game somewhat like Dayz and the likes but it will be single player only. I know that’s not very original these days but I figure/hope it is doable for me to go with this kind of theme. I have come up with a name for the game which is “One More Day”. If I stick with this name I might subtitle different chapters to something like “One More Day in xxxxx” where x is a town/location, most likely fictional locations. Or perhaps when you load your game it shows that after load depending on town you’re in. That might be good. For now I have a way to go before worrying about this.

It will be mainly be outdoor using the terrain system so I am looking forward to the new terrain features planned for the engine. There will be towns that you can travel to and some buildings to enter and find things and of course enemies to kill. But to start out with I will focus on one small town/area and get all the important mechanics/scripts working before adding more areas, mainly the inventory will be needed and also there will be a injury,hunger and thirst to look after for the player. Anyway that is all for now. smile.png

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