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Dev Blog




Documentation is being organized into a built-in help browser. Documentation simply falls into two categories, "Tutorials" and "Commands". Tutorials are laid out in a linear sequence of lessons divided into subchapters. "Commands" displays the command reference, which remains pretty much the same as it is now, with the exception of additional function syntax declarations for Lua. Search and index will be added, but right now I want to focus on content.


The sequence of tutorials is meant to start with zero knowledge of game development or programming, and teach everything you need to know, in the best possible order. It will start with editor usage, move on to simple gameplay without programming, then cover Lua scripting in depth, to the point where you never need to look at the Lua website, and finally end with several simple game examples. This design may change a bit before it's final, as I am not the person in charge of this.




Research on code completion in the script editor is being conducted. I'm also getting the legal stuff set up for contracted work..


As for me, I am focusing on the following items right now:

  • AMD pure virtual function call. (Not really that can be done except keep hitting F5.)
  • Intel FBO error when toggling reflective water on and off.
  • Nvidia FBO performance reduction in latest driver.
  • Model editor rendering glitch in Linux.
  • Scene panel not rendering correctly in Linux with AMD cards.
  • Carving.


These are all slow-going items, many of which require coordination with third parties. I decided to do carving before vegetation painting because it is a simpler feature that doesn't require as much testing, whereas vegetation painting is the kind of thing that tends to lead to more feature requests.

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The docs looks great for new comers.


I hope these points will be covered :

- Collision types and custom types ,setting collision types, what collisions interact with others

- Pick() collision and about that you must use a collision box model as child of bones for characters ; because Pick() don't work well with the Cylinder of the character physics.

- Different way to create collision shapes (directly in The model with "collision" name, using invisible CSG, using the HitBox model, importing a Physhape.



Why not adding a video tutorial section ? poiting to the bets video tutorials.

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I think what we're going to do is embed videos in the tutorials.


The whole idea is one linear list of everything you need to know with super simple organization of the content.

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Really nice. I know the Command Reference right there in the editor (And not directing to the Leadwerks site) will be helpful to new and current users. I do hope you guys have a system to keep those Tutorials and Commands up to date with each update.


I hope the Carving feature will not be like Hammer's and will actually be helpful than ignored. Is the Vertex manipulation feature going to get shipped with it, or is it coming a tad later after the Carve feature? It's something that I'm personally looking forward to the most. :)


Keep up the great work, Every update to LE makes it better and more fun and interesting to use!

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Here's what I got done:

So today I:

  • Emailed AMD about the next driver release.
  • Fixed small script problem that allowed firing too soon during weapon reloading.
  • Collated my important industry contacts.
  • Attempted to find contact person at Nvidia, but failed, so I contacted them through their "Gameworks" contact page.
  • Created example for Intel and filed bug report.
  • Spent some time investigating Linux model editor render bug, no luck.

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Josh, please add a keyboard shortcut for carving otherwise it will slow down the process quite a bit.

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How about c++ tutorials?

Can existing 3rd party tutorials be made more easy to find?

Otherwise very good news.Thanks.

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Josh, please add a keyboard shortcut for carving otherwise it will slow down the process quite a bit.


A lot of things in the editor need keyboard shortcuts imo.

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A lot of things in the editor need keyboard shortcuts imo.


I would love the ability to assign keyboard shortcuts to any command I like in the editor. I use a Logitech G13 and it is awesome for working in GIMP and Blender.

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