Icon Design
I've recruited a professional designer to create a new icon set for the Leadwerks UI. This will provide us with a more consistent visual interface, with a similar look on all supported platforms.
My first instructions were to go bright and multi-colored, with colors similar to Lego pieces. We also included Windows 10 style icons as an influence. These looked good, but when plugged into the program the interface lost its visual consistency.
We next experimented with some grayscale and heavy black and white icons. These were visually consistent but unremarkable.
Finally, we tried a single-tone set using the default perspective viewport background as the base color. This produced the best results.
We're proceeding with this style. We'll start with a pure one-tone set of icons and then add limited amount of color in. For example, the delete and selection mode icons will have some red added to them.
Toolbar icons are going to be changed to 24x24 to show off the art and make them easier to find. Some of the current icons aren't very clear about what their function is, like the 90-degree rotation buttons, so redesigning them will make their functionality a little more clear.
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