Beta update available
A new build is available on the beta branch with the following changes:
- Fixed sidepanel tab switching bug.
- Improved compatibility with intel graphics.
- Fixes instance rendering bug with instance count over 256.
- Added terrain hardware tessellation.
To enable hardware tessellation, select the Tools > Options menu item, select the Video tab, and set the tessellation value. Terrain layers much have a displacement map to display displacement mapping. Each terrain layer has an adjustable displacement value to control the strength of the effect. Displacement maps look best when they are rendered from a high-polygon sculpt. The terrain wireframe shader has alsod been updated to visualize the tessellation in wireframe view. You must update your project to get the new versions of the terrain shaders.
At this time, terrain will always use tessellation when it is enabled, even if no texture layers contain a displacement map. This will be changed in the future.
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