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Hi Shawkly,


Nice intro, is that an Arteria 3D ship you are using?


Looks like you have the basics set up well. Health, thirst, oxygen etc


What's going to be your motive for your player? Just to survive, or build a ship to get off Mars?


Looking forward to see where you go with this.

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Good to see my desert artpack being put to good use, Shawkly! Looks like a good start! Keep up the good work!


Btw, wanted to inform you...i'm going to improve and change a few things in the pack...replacing some textures with better ones, enhancing the diffuse, normal and displacement maps on all textures, and also rename them. It shouldn't cause too much damage to your project though...in fact, the changes i'm doing will make your scenes look even better. :)

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thirsty panther, this is going to be a little bit like far cry, there will be landing places and smaller abandoned alien cities where you can find some things that affect the gameplay like snipers , small oxygen tanks which need to be filtered. and also a few kinds of aliens can be found in those spaceship landing places. the player can navigate trough the map by following pipelines.

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chrisv , I am very happy and thankful that you are really working on the texture pack. I will definetly credit your work and look forward to some updates. Maybe make a few more flatland (sandy) textures for different surroundings ?

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chrisv , I am very happy and thankful that you are really working on the texture pack. I will definetly credit your work and look forward to some updates. Maybe make a few more flatland (sandy) textures for different surroundings ?

Thanks, i appreciate the credits! Regarding the flatland (sandy) textures, you can count on them, i've already done a few a while back, i just didn't update the pack yet. But, i will soonish. :)

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